Sapphire reps have leaked some information regarding the upcoming AMD Navi graphics cards. According to the reps, the AMD Navi based cards will have an XT variant and a Pro version. The XT versions are going to be the full-fledged models while the Pro models are going to be cut-down variants. The price of the AMD Navi cards was also mentioned.
The reps also talked about the price of AMD Navi graphics cards and mentioned that the pro model will cost $399 while the XT variant will cost $400. This means that these upcoming graphics cards from AMD will be going up against the Nvidia RTX 2060 and RTX 2070.
Talking about the numbers, the rep mentioned that the performance will be better than the RTX 2070. This could be the performance of the XT model that he is talking about and this could hint that the Pro model could beat the RTX 2060. This is a leak and you should take this information with a grain of salt until it is confirmed by AMD.
Sapphire is an AMD exclusive AIB partner so the company would know about some insider details but you should still wait for the official word from AMD. AMD is going to be at E3 2019 so we might not have to wait too long to hear about the upcoming AMD Navi graphics cards and their price.
AMD is powering the upcoming PS5, the next Xbox and Google Stadia as well. We talked about how Stadia is powered by the first generation of AMD Vega but it is an evolving platform so it could use AMD Navi in the future. The upcoming couple of months are going to be very interesting for AMD if not anyone else.
Let us know what you think about AMD Navi and whether or not you are interested in getting these graphics cards if the price is right.