Anthem Beginner’s Guide – Javelins, Co-op, Combos, Overheating

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In this Anthem Beginner’s Guide, we will guide you on how you can start your journey in Bioware’s new online multiplayer action RPG Anthem. Anthem brings with it a lot of new mechanics and elements that could be confusing to new players so we will try to elaborate as much as possible here so that your early hours are not as torturous.

We will also share some tips and trick relating to different mechanics that will surely help you play the game better and make sure that you are not missing out on anything in the game. Even if you are not a beginner to the game, we are sure that there is still something new for you down in our Anthem Beginner’s Guide so without further ado, let’s start.

Beginner’s Guide – Anthem

Our Anthem Beginner’s Guide ensures that you are on top of your game right from the beginning of your journey in Anthem.

Pick Your Javelin Carefully

Anthem presents you with four different types of Javelins right at the start of the game and you get to choose from them. Keep in mind that Javelins not only look different but they are also different when it comes to fighting style and other important elements. Each Javelin comes with its own strengths and weaknesses and fighting style.

Upon reaching Fort Tarsis, you will be asked to pick your very first Javelin. You will need to choose one from Colossus, Interceptor, Ranger and Storm. Each of these four Javelins come with their own unique fighting style and stats. Colossus is a tank and can take heavy amounts of damage.

Interceptor is excellent in mobility and has a fast attack mode using daggers and other close combat weaponry. If you want a Jack-of-all-Trades type of Javelin, then you should go for Ranger. It is the Javelin given to you in the tutorial. Finally, if you prefer ranged combat and like to take care of your enemies from a safe distance, you must go for Storm.

Later in the game, you will be able to choose any Javelin you like but for the starting part of the game, you will have access to only one type of Javelin which you pick upon reaching Fort Tarsis so pick one wisely suiting to your playstyle. We have a detailed Anthem Javelin guide which details everything you need to know about all four types of Javelins. Check it out and pick the right one for yourself.

Bring Your Friends

Anthem is made to be played with friends. For this very reason, every activity in Anthem has matchmaking. We highly recommend that you play Anthem with your friends because the game’s size is huge and with friends along, you can be sure that there is someone looking at your back protecting you.

Even if you do not have friends to play with, you can always team up with random people from around the world playing the same activity and join in the fun. Make sure that you do not go in alone. Playing with random people is equally convenient but the real fun of Anthem lies in playing with your friends so try to bring your own crew to the party.

Your Javelin Can Fly

Unlike most online RPGs out in the market today, you can actually fly in Anthem. This is not double jumping and gliding miserably to the ground we are talking about. You can actually fly in Anthem and you must use this to your advantage. You will spend a great deal flying around in your Javelin as well as going down under water.

Use the flying mechanic to your advantage and fly around grounded enemies to get an advantage over them. Just make sure that while you are in the air, you will be an easy target for other flying enemies as well. Try to clear the skies first before engaging in ground combat while you are in the air. The Javelin Storm actually gets improved shields in the air so if you love zipping around the air, pick Storm and unleash the pain on your enemies.

Having the ability to fly does not mean that you always stay in the air flying around. If you stick in the air for too long, chances are that enemies will take you down quickly. They will target you first since you will be an easy target in the air. Keep changing from air to ground and then again from ground to air to keep your enemies confused and the tide of battle in your own hands.

Avoid Overheating at all Costs

Overheating is a major problem in Anthem. Flying around can heat up your Javelin and will eventually leave you stranded in difficult situations without any means of escaping. Flying is your best escape tool in Anthem so do not abuse it. Use it strategically rather than casually. After you overheat your jet, it will be sometime before you can be airborne again.

Wait until your jets are cooled down before taking flight again. Jets normally cool down much quicker if you do not overheat them. Overheating also makes it slower for your jets to cool down further adding to the misery. If you find some water, jump in it to cool down quickly. Even rain helps in cooling as well as diving straight down.

Avoid getting caught on fire as it will also overheat your javelin even if you are not flying. This may lead to overheating and blocking your potential escape routes as you will be unable to fly. This is the reason why you should never deliberately increase your javelin’s temperatures deliberately.

Use Combos during Combat

We have a detailed Anthem Combat guide which will tell you all about advanced combat in Anthem and using Combos but we will give you a general overview in this section. Anthem comes with combos however the game does even introduce you to them leaving you to find them out on your own.

Combos are very important specially in the end game so it is vital that you master them early game. Abilities in Anthem are divided in two different categories, Primers and Detonators. To inflict a status effect on an enemy, simply keep hitting it with your primer until they are afflicted with it. It is shown with a red symbol on the top. Once done, use your detonator to explode your enemies. Apart from this, you can also use each Javelin’s unique combo effect to deal additional damage in combat.

Colossus can deal AoE damage to enemies, Storm can transfer status effects to nearby enemies, Ranger focuses attack on a single enemy to deal massive damage while Interceptor covers itself with status aura that can affect enemies coming closer to it. For a detailed guide on Combat, check out our Anthem Combat Guide.

Scavenge Resources

The world of Anthem is full of resources so whenever you head out in the wild, make sure that you always collect resources and keep them stored in your safe. You will need these resources to craft different items in Anthem. Along with resources, you will also need blueprints of the items that you want to craft.

Some of the items can only be crafted when you reached a certain level in the game or have completed the main story of the game. Your stored resources will come in handy at this point when you can quickly craft the required items rather than going on resource expeditions in different areas.

Make sure that you collect a healthy amount of resources from each area that you visit. You can also dismantle different weapons and items that you don’t need to keep your inventory empty for more resources. We will also recommend that you try to save as much as possible for the end-game crafting because the best weapons and items are obtained after completing the main story of the game.

Check out more Anthem guides below.

This concludes our Anthem Beginner’s Guide. If you want to add anything to this guide, feel free to use the comments section below.

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About the Author: Umair Khalid

Founder of GamesHedge, Umair enjoys a wide variety of video games ranging from RPGs to racing games. Currently busy with The Crew Motorfest and Way of the Hunter.

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