Anthem Level Up Guide – How to Level Up Fast, Earn More XP

Anthem PS4 Bricking

In this Anthem Level Up guide, we will show you how you level up fast by earning more XP in the game. Though there are many other methods with which you can farm more XP, but we have selected the best ways to boost your level up.

Leveling up is a major factor in the gameplay of Anthem, as the more you level up, the more stronger you are as a player in the game. this also directly affects how strong your weapons are and what kinds of abilities you can have available for you. Player level also determines how many Javelins you can have for yourself.

Anthem Level Up Guide

Below we have listed all the ways you can level up fast by earning more XP.

Main Story Missions

As obvious as this may seem, main story missions reward you with a lot of Xp which not only helps you level up, but also unlocks Cenotaph and Bastion along with various other characters in your story.

The main story missions also allow you to unlock various weapons, new gear for your Javelin suit, and earn lots of experience points that boost your level up. There are many missions in the game that are related to the story of Anthem, and they are enough to boost your level up when you complete them.

Play with Teammates

Anthem rewards you with bonus XP if you are playing with other people by the alliance system. Every squad mate that you successfully complete a mission with will get all the teammates a big bonus of extra XP at the end of the mission.

While it is best to have your friends around with you in order to be in sync with the attacks and mission progression, if you are looking for a quick match, a stranger can do the trick if you are just looking for bonus XP at the end of the mission.


As we have mentioned before that playing with squad mates grants you more XP bonuses, it is best to jump into Quickplay with any stranger that comes in your team with matchmaking.

This is best for players who are looking for XP quickly, as the only goal is to get to the finish line with to get more XP. With missions that are not that difficult to begin with, having a squad mate around till the end will earn you more XP to level up faster.

Harder Difficulty

You get rewarded with more XP the harder the difficulty of a mission is. once you are familiar with your Javelin suit and are geared up enough to take on harder enemies, its best to chose hard mode.

This will not only reward you with more XP bonuses, but also improve your combat in the game. if you are jumping in a mission with overwhelming amounts of enemies, avoid choosing the harder mode. But any mission that you find will be easier for you, head in with the harder difficulty.

Contracts and Legendary Contracts

One of the job as a Freelancer is to complete various contracts, which usually involve helping the people in Fort Tarsis. These are basically side emissions that reward you with XP, new gear and weapons. There are many different contracts that you can find in a lot of different places.

The best place to look for contracts is by the bulleting board near Yarrow. Other methods include talking to people that will let you know what they want from you in this contract.

Once you are done with the normal contracts, you can go look for legendary contracts that will unlock after you complete the normal contracts. These missions are nothing special, other than they reward you with more XP and better items upon completion.

Legendary contracts can be located with a purple icon in Fort Tarsis and you will find them easy to be located. Once you are done with a legendary contract, you can head back again to find another that you can begin.

Expeditions Feats

Expeditions Feats are mini challenge inside every mission that grant you some bonus XP at the end. These challenges are like small tasks that ask you to do a little of everything from reviving teammates, hitting with combos, hitting enemy weak spots, getting multi-kills and many more.

Expedition feats can be accessed from your inventory during a mission that is in progress. Keep checking these feats as they change in each mission to keep the list of challenges fresh.

This concludes our Anthem Leveling Up Guide. Feel free to comment below.

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About the Author: Salik Shah

An ardent lover for first-person shooter games, Salik has been part of GamesHedge all through its journey. His love for competitive gaming started with Counter-Strike and Call of Duty, and now can be seen lurking in Valorant and Rainbow Six: Siege.

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