One of the creatures in Ark Fjordur that you can find and tame is the Shadowmane. These lion-type creatures can be found on the new expansion map, and require a specific but tricky way to tame. While the process of taming a Shadowmane is pretty straightforward, it is the technique that will guarantee a successful tame. This Ark Fjordur Shadowmane Taming Guide will show you the Shadowmane locations on the new map, and what you need to do in order to tame them.
Ark Fjordur Shadowmane Taming Guide
Let’s first look at where you can find a Shadowmane in Fjordur. Shadowmanes can be found inside the purple forest at the coordinates [Lat: 36.1, Lon: 52.9] where it is pretty easy to spot this forest.
Shadowmanes usually lurk around in a small group of three, which also means that it will almost be impossible to tame a single Shadowmane with so many of them around. This is because they are really good at spotting you and resetting the whole taming progress.
How to Tame a Shadowmane
The taming process of a Shadowmane is pretty simple, where you need to have enough food to feed three to four times to tame. However, there are a few things you should be aware of which can guarantee the taming of this creature. The first of these important steps requires you to have food or fish that you can feed the creature. The higher the level of the food, the more your taming will progress.
The second item you need is a ghillie suit, as this will suppresses your presence around the very alert Shadowmane, even when it is sleeping. A ghillie will also hide you from other creatures nearby and will allow you to sneak very close to a Shadowmane to feed it food.
Once you have plenty of food in your inventory, you now have to go to the Shadowmane location and seek out a lone Shadowmane, preferably in an open area where you can approach it from multiple angles.
Before you approach the Shadowmane, make sure you clear out the surrounding areas from any other creatures that can distract the Shadowmane, or remove any insect creatures that can attack you instead, and alert the Shadowmane. The reason that you want to avoid alerting a Shadowmane is that it completely resets the taming process, and instead has the creature attacking you instead.
Ensuring that you have killed off other nearby creatures and removed their carcasses will only help you in the process. With all these steps handled, stay about 40-50m away from the Shadowmane and wait for it to go to sleep. Once it does that, equip the food in your hand, crouch down and approach the creature from behind (preferably at its lower back, at the tail). Any other point of approach will always alert the Shadowmane, resetting the process, and it attacking you instead.
Feed the food to the Shadowmane, which will awaken it, forcing it to go invisible. Stay crouched and trace your steps back very carefully to about 15-20m away, and then run to a safe distance of 50m. The Shadowmane will be invisible but will be looking around for you or whoever that alerted it. During this time, you should open up your taming bar, in the inventory menu, and mark the creature. This will allow you to track it when it is invisible.
At some point, the Shadowmane will go back to sleep, allowing you to repeat the process all over again. Depending on the type of food you have, this process can take up 4-5 times, or in some cases even more, before you have a tamed Shadowmane.
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And that’s how you can tame a Shadowmane in Ark Fjordur. Post your comments below.