Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Skills Guide – Ranged, Melee, Stealth

Assassin's Creed Valhalla Skills Guide

In Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, there are three main Skills that have further divisions in them. The three main skills that make up the Skill tree are Melee, Stealth, and Ranged. The different skills in the skill tree can be upgraded by using skill points. In this guide, we will explain everything there is to know regarding Skills in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla.

Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Skills Guide

In AC Valhalla, skill points are obtained when you max out the XP threshold of a level. You can spend the skill points by opening the skill tree and investing the skill points in your desired skill. There are different skills for each playstyle (melee, stealth and ranged) and as you upgrade the skills, it will ultimately increase your Power levels which will result in unlocking boss fights and advanced areas.

As you keep upgrading the skill tree, smaller nodes will ultimately lead to the main skill which will highly increase the fighting skills of Eivor along with other bonuses. Below we have listed the different skills and what they do.

Assassin’s Creed Valhalla: Melee Skills

In AC Valhalla’s skill tree, Melee Skills form the top part of the tree. Below are all the melee skills that can be unlocked from the Skill tree.


Stop on a fallen enemy by using RT/R3

Dual Swap

Allows you to swap the dual-wielded weapons using RT+RS/R2+R3

Perfect Attack

During a weapon swing, press RB/R1 to deal increased damage on the next hit.

Parry Damage

If you successfully parry an enemy attack, it will deal damage to the enemy.

Adrenaline Fiend

Gain a damage boost and attack speed boost when one or more adrenaline slots are filled. Your Effect is enhanced when more slots are filled.

Arrow Volley

Hold and release RB/R1 with a light bow to discharge all loaded arrows at once. However, each volley of arrows costs stamina.

Warrior Takedown

Takedown an unaware enemy with your melee weapon by using R2. It will alert all enemies around you but will fill your adrenaline for everyone one of them.

Sprint Bash

Allows you to break objects and knockdown enemies when sprinting.

Adrenaline Upgrade

Increases 1 Adrenaline slot.

Berserker’s Mettle

During a fight, the enemy’s first blow will not affect your partially filled adrenaline bar.

Light Bow Combo

Light bow’s continuous shots will deal extra damage.

Battlefield Cremation

One of the dead enemies will continue burning, resulting in damage to enemies in proximity.


Stun finisher will scare off nearby enemies.

Heavy Dual Wield

Allows you to wield dual heavy weapons. It will also change the stats and handle style of each wielded weapon.

Assassin’s Creed Valhalla: Stealth Skills

In AC Valhalla’s skill tree, Stealth Skills form the left and bottom part of the tree. Below are all the Stealth skills that can be unlocked from the Skill tree.


Allows you to land a blow to the back of the enemy to stagger then and deal increased defense damage.

Brush with Death

Grants heightened senses allowing you to dodge an enemy attack before they land. Also slows enemy movement for a limited time.

Guided Arrow

Your mastery with the Predator Bow allows you to perform unbelievable feats of accuracy. Press RB/R1 to adjust the arrow’s trajectory as it flies.

Advanced Assassination

Allows assassinating high-level targets with timing-based attacks.

Predator Bow Combo

Allows consecutive predator bow headshots to deal extra damage.

Counter Roll

Allows you to dodge enemy rune attacks and vault behind him directly.

Explosive Corpse

Allows you to booby trap a dead body by holding RS/R3. Investigating the body will result in an explosion.


When an enemy dies from your poison attack, it will release a toxic cloud around them which will infect nearby enemies.

Adrenaline Upgrade

Increases 1 Adrenaline slot.

Chain Assassination

Allows you to throw an axe to the nearby enemy after performing a successful assassination.

Assassin’s Cantrip

Following a successful parry, quickly press Triangle to throw a smoke bomb at your feet and disappear.


Automatically loot and enemy after killing them.


Allows you to roll when landing from a dangerous height, reducing fall damage.

Missile Reversal

Allows you to catch and throw back a projectile by pressing L1 before it hits you. Timing is key.

Assassin’s Creed Valhalla: Ranged Skills

In AC Valhalla’s skill tree, Ranged Skills form the right and bottom part of the tree. Below are all the Ranged skills that can be unlocked from the Skill tree.

Bow Stun Finisher

Allows you to perform bow stun finisher by pressing RS/R3 on a stunned enemy.

Emergency Aim

Allows you to snap your aim to an enemy detecting you, allowing you to kill them without being detected.

Bow to Melee Link

Allows you to switch between a melee and bow weapon for extra damage for a short period.

Sprint Attack

Allows you to perform a sprinting attack using R1 (while sprinting).

Hunter Bow Combo

Increases arrow draw and release speed.

Arrow Reinforcement

Allows you to recollect your used arrows from dead enemies.

Stealth Adrenaline

While in stealth, gain Adrenaline by looting a chest or pick-pocketing in a restricted area.

Stealth Recon

Allows you to highlight enemies when crouched.

Battleground Bolt

Allows you to pick the nearest discarded weapon on the ground and throw it at an enemy.

Charged Shot

Allows you to fire fully charged arrows with the Hunter Bow. The attack cannot be canceled.


Allows you to regenerate red part of the health bar by dealing melee hits on enemies.

Last Chance Healing

Will slow down time when health reaches a critical level.

Adrenaline Upgrade

Increases 1 Adrenaline slot.

Read more Assassin’s Creed Valhalla guides:

This concludes our Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Skills Guide. Post your comments below.

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About the Author: Talal Waseem

Talal Waseem is an avid gamer and a hardware content contributor at GamesHedge.

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