Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Stealth Guide – Hidden Blade, Whistle, Silent Kills, Tips & Tricks

Assassins Creed Valhalla Stealth Guide

While Assassin’s Creed Valhalla is great for noisy combat and slaughtering your enemies with brute hits from your axe, there will a lot of instances when stealth will be more beneficial. For these very moments, it is vital that you know everything that you can know about being stealthy in the game. For this very purpose, we have curated this Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Stealth Guide for you so that you can quickly master the art of being stealthy in the game.

Stealth Guide – Assassin’s Creed Valhalla

Our Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Stealth Guide details everything that you need to know about staying stealthy in the game.

Stay Crouched

Okay so unless this is your very first stealth game, you should know that the very first step to remaining silent in the game is to stay crouched. While crouched, you will make less noise while moving around and you will also be harder to detect by enemies even if they are close to you. If you unlock the ‘ ‘ ability, you will also see all of the enemies even if they are behind walls while you are still crouched. This makes crouching extremely useful while you are planning on completing a mission in Stealth.

Use Tall Grass for Cover

In nearly all the stealth scenarios, you will find plenty of tall grasses and big bushes scattered in the area. These tall grass sections and bushes are not there for just visual eye candy. They are there for you because they will allow you to hide in them while crouching. Every time you see a section of tall grass or a bush, crouch and go inside it and it conceals you from enemies. If the enemies see you enter them, they will come and check out the area but if you move inside the grass, you will remain hidden and change your location as well.

From inside the tall grass, if you see some enemies moving around, you can quickly assassinate them as well without even leaving the safety of the grass. When they come near you, simply go near them but make sure that you do not leave the grass section and press RB to silently kill the enemy. This will make Eivor grab them and pull them inside the grass as well which will not only kill the enemy but also hide their bodies from discovery by other enemies in the area. This brings us to the next tip.

Hide Killed Enemies

While you are sneaking around and killing your enemies, there is a big chance that the killed enemies will be discovered by other enemies patrolling the area. To avoid this, you must make sure that you pick up their bodies and then hide them in tall grass or behind walls or outside the restricted areas. Also, make sure that you hide their bodies closer to where you killed them because if you just pick up the bodies and start moving around, you will be discovered easily by other enemies and people around you.

Watch Out for Enemy Stress

As you are sneaking around, even if an enemy is not in your sight but if they are spotting you, their line of sight will appear from where they are about to spot you. In low threat, it is white, it continues to grow to yellow and if they spot you, it is red which means that you must hide or kill the enemy before they tell the others. Even if the enemies spot you, you can hide from them if you are quick enough. Make sure that you do not engage them if you want to hide again otherwise it will become very hard for you to hide again. While sneaking around, make sure that you can keep an eye out on enemy stress levels, and you will be good to go.

Hidden Blade

During your stealth missions, stick to your hidden blade for your kills. While it has changed a lot in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, it is still your go-to weapon for killing enemies in stealth and quickly. Sneak behind enemies and take them down quietly. In addition, you can also directly kill them with the hidden blade while hiding in haystacks, tall grass, or bushes. You can also take down enemies standing below you from ledges and have ledge takedowns as well using your Hidden Blade. Also, the option to silently kill enemies with the Hidden Blade appears automatically in the game and you cannot equip it on command like your main enemies so do not worry if you cannot equip it normally. It will appear automatically when you can silently kill an enemy.

Whistle to Attract Enemies

While hiding, if you want enemies to come to your location, you can whistle and get their attention. This little trick will help you kill enemies that otherwise do not come close to your hiding location in the game. You can simply whistle, and the enemies will come and inspect your location. Just make sure that you are ready to take them down. In addition, when you whistle, you might attract more than one guard at your location. Every guard who will hear the whistle, will come and check the location so make sure that you are ready to kill everyone who shows up after hearing your whistle.

Mark Your Enemies

There are two ways by which you can mark your enemies. First, you can use Odin’s Sight to scan your immediate area. This will mark all of the nearby enemies for you in red. Even if the enemies are behind walls, this ability will help you locate and mark enemies so you can plan your route in advance. Otherwise, if you want to inspect a larger area, you can use the help of your raven as well. Switch to your raven and then simply check out the area around you. You can also mark enemies while controlling the raven which will help you keep track of enemies as the marks move as the enemies move as well.

This is all about stealth in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. If you need more help with the game, you can check out the guides linked below:

This concludes our guide. If you want to add anything to this guide, feel free to use the comments section below.

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About the Author: Umair Khalid

Founder of GamesHedge, Umair enjoys a wide variety of video games ranging from RPGs to racing games. Currently busy with The Crew Motorfest and Way of the Hunter.

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