In this Bee Simulator Beetro Guide, we will guide you on how you use your ability Beetro to boost around in Bee Simulator. Bee Simulator might be a video game about living the life of a bee however it comes with its own unique mechanics and one of them is Beetro which is the game’s take on boost. With this unique ability, you will be able to speed up and catch different insects or simply get to your destination much more quickly.
However, this ability is not unlimited and you will be required to charge up your Beetro meter before you can use it. Using also drains this meter so you will eventually need to recharge this meter again in order to boost again. We have curated this Bee Simulator Beetro Guide in which we will not only explain to you how you can use Beetro to boost in Bee Simulator but also some of the ways by which you can charge the Beetro meter and use it whenever you want.
Beetro Guide – Bee Simulator
Our Bee Simulator Beetro Guide details everything that you need to know Beetro and boosting in Bee Simulator.
How to Charge and Use Beetro Skill in Bee Simulator
On your HUD, you will notice a blue meter in the lower-left side of the screen right above your Pollen meter. This is the Beetro meter or in simple terms, your boost meter. This fills up with blue color when you stock up on boost by various means. Once you have sufficient Beetro, you can press the boost button, RB/R1 on consoles, and you will consume the blue meter to gain a massive speed boost. This will allow you to reach your destinations quickly and is super handy during Chase challenges.
If you want to charge your Beetro meter, you will need to collect pollen from the same time of plant three times in a row. You can do so by activating your Bee Vision and then opting for collecting pollen from flowers that have the same color. After the initial three flowers, continue to collect flowers of the same color and you will soon have a full meter.
However, the most effective method of quickly filling your Beetro Meter is by eating Sweets or Fruits. You will notice that guests leave behind a lot of food so it is not wise to simply let everything rot. Sit on any fruit or sweet marked with the blue glow and you can eat them by sitting on them. This will quickly refill your Beetro meter and then you go around speeding. In addition, if you find the rare types of flowers, go through the while boosting and you will get a decent amount of meter refilled.
Make sure to check out more Bee Simulator guides below.
This concludes our Bee Simulator Beetro Guide. If you want to add anything to this guide, feel free to use the comments section below.