Bioware has been adding content to Anthem with patches and updates but it seems like the latest patch is going to remove the Elysian Chests from the game. What is even weirder is that these chests were added quite recently to the game but the latest patch 1.1.1 is going to remove these from the game.
Anthem patch 1.1.1 is not live at this point but Bioware will release the update later today and it brings with it minor bug fixes and removes Elysian chests from the game. Elysian Chests only had a small time in Anthem as they were added to the title last month via an update but now Bioware is removing them from the game.
These reward chests were awarded to players upon completion of different Strongholds in Anthem as well as clearing different daily challenges in the game. The reason behind their removal is unknown at this point however it seems like Bioware is now removing content added to Anthem instead of adding some more.
In a statement issued on Reddit, Bioware says that Elysian Chests were never planned as a long-term feature for Anthem although it looked like the first endgame step for Anthem since the game lacks content once you are done with the main story of the game. Bioware states that the reward chests might come back to Anthem in the future however at this point, no further details were shared by them.
Anthem has been a problematic child for Bioware ever since it was released. Just after 2 months of the game’s release, most of the senior team who worked on Anthem are now gone and working on other projects. However, recently Bioware assured fans that Anthem is going to support for a long time. Earlier, we also got to know that Bioware has delayed the planned content for Anthem making the roadmap redundant.
Coming back to the update, Bioware recommends that players who have any keys left for these reward chests, they ought to use them before the chests are gone after today’s update. Apart from the removal of Elysian Chests, the new patch will bring some minor fixes to the game as well. These include:
- Fixed an error where Weapon and Components stat values were not displaying correctly.
- Fixed a problem where suit power level (rarity) was not correctly being calculated based on equipped items.
- Fixed an issue with Spanish audio in a conversation in the Sunken Cell stronghold.
- Fixed an issue with French audio in a conversation in the Sunken Cell stronghold.
- Fixed an issue causing a slight delay in Salvaging at End of Expedition
- Partially defeated encounters will no longer re-dispense loot from previously defeated creatures.
- Right-clicking an item to salvage it at the end of expedition screen now requires the mouse button to be held. (PC Only)
Anthem is now out for PS4, PC and Xbox One.