In a recent listing in Korean Game Rating and Administrative Committee (GRAC), two classic games have just popped up which are none other than Castlevania Symphony of the Night and Rondo of Blood Collection.
Both of them have been awarded a rating of 15 and the collection is listed as Castlevania Requiem. The important factor to note here is that the board has mentioned both Japanese and English releases, which could mean that it will eventually come out in Western countries as well.
Check out the picture of the listing below.

Currently no other information is available on this and we do not even know whether this will be a HD remaster, remake of both games or simply a re-release in the form of a simple bundle. We will look forward to more information revealed about Castlevania Requiem in near future.
Currently there is no official information on Castlevania Requiem and our only lead to its possible release is this listing in the Korean GRAC.
Castlevania is one of Konami’s oldest franchises and it has a huge fan base thanks to its many amazing titles in the franchise. The first game in the franchise Castlevania came out in 1986 for the Family Computer Disk System. Later it was ported to NES, Famicom, C64, MS-DOS, Windows and Game Boy Advance, as it was a stellar title.
Castlevania: Rondo of Blood was launched in 1993 on PC while Castlevania: Symphony of the Night was launched in 1997 on the original PlayStation One console. Now it seems like both of these titles will be coming on PS4 in the form of a bundle.
The listing also reveals the platform, which is currently only PS4. No other platform is mentioned at this moment however they might add an option for Xbox One and PC in the future.
We will share more information as we get some official news on this port. Hopefully something will be revealed on the upcoming TGS 2018. Keep checking back for more information.
Let us know whether would you like to see Castlevania return to modern consoles in the form of a bundle?
Article Source: vg27