In this Cyberpunk 2077 Quickhacks Guide, we will guide you on the Quickhacks mechanic in Cyberpunk 2077. Since Cyberpunk 2077 is set in the future and most of the things in the world are operated by a computer, you can easily use this to your advantage and hack multiple numbers of devices in the game to your advantage. Each device is unique and requires a different amount of time for the hack to kick in. This guide will help you in every regard when it comes to hacking.
Quickhacks Guide – Cyberpunk 2077
Our Cyberpunk 2077 Quickhacks Guide details everything that you need to know about Quickhacks in Cyberpunk 2077.
How to Hack in Cyberpunk 2077
If you love cyberpunk games then you will be familiar with the world and its vulnerability to hacking. Cyberpunk 2077 is no different and you can hack a bunch of stuff in the game since the world heavily depends on computers and machines. However, hacking works a little differently in the game and you will be using your Cyberdeck for all the hacking in the game.
Scan the Environment
The very first step is to scan your environment by pressing the L1 key because it will identify all the devices and machines in your surroundings that you can hack in the game. You can also mark these devices and machines by pressing R3 which will keep track of these devices even if you leave the scan screen.
Understanding the Cyberdeck
All of your hacking abilities come in the form of a Cyberdeck in Cyberpunk 2077. You start off with a very basic Cyberdeck but later you can get better ones which will unlock even more Netrunner abilities for you that will allow you to quickhack even more people, devices, and even networks. Each slot in your Cyberdeck represents a quickhack that you can use to hack at the expense of RAM. Each Cyberdeck also comes with a limited number of slots which allow you to equip more quickhacks to your deck for quick use. Better quality decks will allow you to perform advanced quickhacks not possible with basic decks.
Cyberdeck RAM
Cyberdeck RAM is the main resource that you must have in order to perform quickhacks, Every time you upload a quickhack to an enemy or device, you will burn through a fixed amount of RAM. This cost of RAM for your quickhacks can be lowered with certain cyberware and perks. Once you leave combat scenarios, your RAM will replenish itself. You only have a limited amount of RAM for each combat scenario so you must use it wisely. You can also increase the total amount of RAM stored by increasing your Intelligence Attribute, equipping certain cyberware abilities and Perks along with high-level cyberdecks.
Device Quickhacks
There are multiple numbers of quickhacks that you can use on various devices. For devices, you need to make sure that your scanner is aiming at the device and you have enough RAM for executing the quickhack. Choose the quickhack with up and down on the d-pad and press Square to execute it. You can perform the following quickhacks on devices:
- Distract Enemies – Causing a device to malfunction which distracts nearby enemies
- Remote Deactivation – Allows you to toggle basic device functions such as opening/closing doors, activating/deactivating cameras
- Camera Control – Allows you to look around with hacked cameras
- Breach Protocol – Breaches a target’s ICE system to make enemies in the area more vulnerable to quickhacks
- Initiate Overload – Overloads a device’s circuitry and permanently destroys them
- Friendly Mode – Overrides devices to make them friendly to you. Turrets and cameras will treat your enemies as their enemies and will assist you in combat
- Assist Mode – Forces a turret’s targeting into manual mode
- Take Control – Enables remote operation of turrets and computes
Antipersonnel Quickhacks
Similar to devices, you can also use the antipersonnel quickhacks on your enemies to toy around with them. You have the following antipersonnel quickhacks in the game:
- Suicide – Forces your enemy to eliminate themselves
- Detonate Grenades – Hacks the grenades in your enemy’s pocket which explodes itself, killing the enemy holding it and anyone around them.
Understanding Breach Protocol
Breach Protocol is found in the list of your quickhacks in your Cyberdeck however it does not cost any RAM. Instead, it allows you to penetrate networks and upload powerful programs called daemons that can infiltrate your enemies and devices. By default, your Cyberdeck comes with the ICEpick daemon that when installed reduces the RAM cost of all of the quickhacks making it easier for you to use multiple quickhacks in the same combat scenario. You can unlock additional and more powerful daemons in the Breach Protocol Skill Tree.
Access Points
Each location has multiple Access Points and you can find them by exploring the environment or simply performing a Ping Quickhack on a device or enemy. This will give you the locations of all of the Access Points to the network to which they are connected. If you manage to successfully upload a Datamine daemon into a local network with the help of the Breach Protocol, you can get money, quickhack crafting components, or a brand-new quickhack if you are lucky.
That is all about our Hacking guide. If you want more help with the game, make sure that you check out our Cyberpunk 2077 wiki.
This concludes our Cyberpunk 2077 Quickhacks Guide. If you want to add anything to this guide, feel free to use the comments section below.