Death Stranding Bridge Baby Guide – How to Use Bridge Baby, How to Reduce Stress

Death Stranding Bridge Baby Guide

This Death Stranding Bridge Baby Guide will show you everything you need to know about the Bridge Baby that Sam brings along in his adventure. The Bridge Baby is very important and as it is more than just a baby in a bottle.

Let’s take a look at everything related to the Bridge Baby or BB, how you can use it, and what precautions you need to take in order to take care of it.

Death Stranding Bridge Baby Guide

Below we have detailed everything you need to know about a Bridge Baby (BB).

How to Use BB

The primary function of the BB is to sense out and locate the BTs (Beached Things). The BTs are the invisible enemies in the game that humans and Sam cannot see. Unless of course, you have a BB. The Bridge Baby has a connection to the world of the dead, which is why it can sense out the presence of the BTs and warn you about their location.

To pinpoint the location of a BTs, you need to connect the baby and then use the Odradek Scanner to detect any nearby BTs. When the BB is being used to scan the BTs, it is important that you stay still to make their appearance clearer.

Now that you know that BB is very important for the gameplay, you also have to take care of it all throughout the gameplay. The BB needs to be kept calm and needs to be updated at the incubator. BBs have a limited lifespan as your gameplay progresses. This can be worsened further if they are not kept stress free, and may cause them to die sooner.

How to Reduce Stress Levels of BB

The Bridge Baby can only stay functional if you take care of them. The most important thing is to keep the BB stress free. Your gameplay and encounter with the enemies will raise its stress level. This can highly reduce its life if the baby is in stress. The game offers various ways you can calm the BB down.

The first thing you can do is interact with the BB or play music with an instrument that will calm the baby down. This can reduce the stress levels of the BB. Another way to take of the baby is to update their portable pod by updated in a synchronization incubator. This will greatly decrease the stress levels of the baby as it updates the Stillmother’s information.

Lastly, you can also reduce the stress of the BB by bringing it along in hot springs for a bath. This will not only recharge the batteries of the portable baby but also reduce some levels of stress.

Read more Death Stranding Guides:

This concludes our Death Stranding Bridge Baby Guide. Post your comments below.

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About the Author: Salik Shah

An ardent lover for first-person shooter games, Salik has been part of GamesHedge all through its journey. His love for competitive gaming started with Counter-Strike and Call of Duty, and now can be seen lurking in Valorant and Rainbow Six: Siege.

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