In this Devil May Cry 5 Blue Fragments Collectible Guide, we will show you all the locations of the Blue Fragments and Blue Orbs that can be collected to increase your health bar in the game. Collecting all Blue Orbs will upgrade your health bar to maximum, and also unlock the “Physical Perfection” achievement/trophy.
Blue Orbs are comprised of Blue Fragments. While you can find both in the world of Devil May Cry 5, you will mostly come across Blue Fragments. Every 4 Fragments that you collected can be used to make one full Blue Orb, which in return gives you one extra health bar.
Other than collecting from locating them, you can also earn Blue Fragments by playing the Secret Missions of the game. We have covered all the locations of the Secret Missions in our Devil May Cry 5 Secret Missions Guide.
Devil May Cry 5 Blue Orbs Collectible Guide
Below we have listed the locations of all Blue Fragments and Blue Orbs in each of the main story mission of Devil May Cry 5. In total, there are 32 Blue Fragments that can be found in all of the game. 12 of them are in Secret Missions, while the rest of the 20 can be found throughout the game.
Blue Fragment #1
There is just one Blue Fragment in the first mission of the game. Halfway through the mission, when you jump down from the broken bridge, and after the cutscene. You need to turn around where you will find a blue glowing fragment with a mantis enemy. Kill the enemy and collect the Blue Fragment.
Blue Fragment #2
The first of the Blue Fragments found in the second mission of the game is just after you collect the 2nd Nidhogg Egg in the room. After you collect the egg, some enemies will spawn. Let them come in the middle of the room where the will fall down when the ground collapses beneath them. This will reveal a secret room with the Blue Fragment.
Blue Fragment #3
This Blue Fragment can be found in the same second mission of the game, after you collect the 3rd Nidhogg Egg, and before you destroy the third Nidhogg Barrier. Turn around and you will face back to the street. Ahead you will see a Devil Breaker on a raised piece of street forming a ledge.
Above the Devil Breaker, you can jump through a broken wall and into the house where the Blue Fragment is. Make sure you do all this before you destroy the Nidhogg barrier.
Blue Fragment #4
You can find this Blue Fragment in the 3rd main story mission of the game. in the beginning of the mission, and after you use the Grim Grip. Nero will land on a rooftop that will start a small cutscene that shows you the demon spire ahead. When you get control back as Nero, look to your right and jump up over the rooftop ahead and to the other side.
Turn around and look at the direction where you came from, and you will spot the fragment on the rooftop between the two large white boxes.
Blue Fragment #5
Another Blue Fragment can be found in the 3rd main story mission of the game. When you are on the emergency exit that also contains he Secret Mission, Walk up the stairs and reach the top. The stairs are broken near the end but you can jump at the platform up ahead.
Jump up to the grapple point and through the hole, this will take you straight to the blue fragment.
Blue Fragment #6
This fragment can be found in the 4th mission of the game. when you are out on the street, you will get a tutorial on how to use the Devil Trigger during a big fight. When you summon the Nightmare, it will come out by breaking a wall. After the fight, go to this wall and enter the building, climb the stairs to the blue fragment.
Blue Fragment #7
This blue fragment can be found in the 4th mission of the game. continue from the last orb location and into the house where your Nightmare broke out from. behind the house you will find a hidden passage where you will find a Nidhogg Hatchling.
Pick it up and return back to the main path where you will see a Nidhogg Barrier to your left. Break the barrier and the fragment will be behind it.
Blue Fragment #8
This Blue fragment can be found in the 5th mission of the game. it will be inside a warehouse that you will find after you fight a group of enemies. The fragment will be behind in the area with the burning barrels.
Blue Fragment #9
This blue fragment can be found Mission 8 of the game. When you spot the first Divinity Statue, there will be a straight path from the statue. You will be able to spot the blue fragment up ahead, but its best to have the Gerbera weapon with you.
This will help you jump across to the other side to collect the orb.
Blue Fragment # 10
This fragment can be found in the same 8th mission of the game, after you exit the Secret Mission, continue on the main path where you will reach one more of those bloodstream. Before you enter the stream, go circler around to find a tentacle that you have to kill. Then the blue fragment will appear in front of the bloodstream
Blue Fragment #11
This fragment can be found in the 9th mission of the game. When outside when you fight the first knight in this mission. It will be behind some vines that you need cross. This can be done by destroying the Blood Clots with your Nightmare. Once the vines have died off, you can collect the fragment.
Blue Fragment #12
This fragment can also be found in the 9th mission of the game. head outside the well lit corridor, and jump of the platform to the right. At the top you will find this blue fragment.
Blue Fragment #13
This fragment can be found in the 10th mission of the game. when you come to the second gate that is timed and closes. You need to step through this gate and follow the path up. the blue fragment will be on the left at the top.
Blue Fragments #14
This Blue Fragment can be found in the 11th mission of the game. in the mission, you will have to enter the ruins of a building where you have to destroy 3 Blood Clots. This fragment is located on the bottom floor where the second and third Blood Clot is waiting for you to destroy them.
When you have destroyed the Blood Clots, a new path will open and reveal the Blue Fragment right in front.
Blue Fragment #15
This Blue Fragment can be found in the 12th mission of the game. When you are in the room with the big statue and two Nidhogg Hatchling Barriers blocking your exit. You have to go through the barrier towards the bottom floor, and then destroy the Blood Sac which streams the blood to the statue.
When you destroy the second Blood Sac, it will make a hole in the wall. Step through this hole and jump to the right side where the Blue Fragment is waiting to be collected.
Blue Fragment #16
This Blue Fragment can be found in the 14th mission of the game, and after the cutscene where you are put in the shadow world. You will be able to spot the blue fragment on the small mountain to your right.
You can either wall jump to reach to this fragment, or use Griffon to glide towards the fragment location.
Blue Fragment #17
This Blue Fragment can be found in the 15th mission of the game. when you come across the first Divinity Statue in this level, you must go behind the statue where small cutscene will show the way ahead.
It will show you the location of the Blue Fragment on top of a hill. This is pretty easy to collect if you use your Gerbera Devil Breaker Weapon to jump towards the fragment.
Blue Fragment #18
In the same 15th mission of the game, when you come across the second Divinity Statue in this level. You will come across a group of enemies that need to be taken out. Once you are done, a pad with the grappling hook will unlock the next room where you had to fight the enemies.
Follow the path and the blue fragment will be at the very end.
Blue Fragment # 19
This blue fragment can be found in the 16th mission of the game. When you drop down through the second hole in the mission and fight the armored two legged enemy and two fire drakes. You need to head down to the next hole below. Keep in mind that you should go through the blue alcove.
The platform will break under when you are about to go collect the blue fragment. So you have to be quick in getting there.
Blue Fragment # 20
This blue fragment can be found in the 18th mission of the game, where you find yourself using the bloodstream after defeating the Shadow. Next you will jump up some cliffs and have to kill 3 enemies. Defeat all of them before they escape by digging a hole in the ground. Then the blue fragment will appear.
Read more Devil May Cry 5 Guides:
This concludes our Devil May Cry 5 Blue Fragments Collectible Guide. Feel free to comment below.