In this Devil May Cry 5 Nero Skills Guide, we will detail all the character skills and cost of each skill that are special to Nero, plus highlight the best skills you can unlock in the game. There are many skills and abilities for Nero that can be learnt and used in combat.
Skills can be bought from the Nico’s Van where you can upgrade all sorts of abilities and weapons that you need.
Devil May Cry Nero Skills Guide
Below we have listed all the skills that are special to Nero, their cost and what effect they provide you in combat.
All abilities are listed below:
This skill costs 4,500 and allows you to sprint in the same direction that you keep moving towards.
Table Hopper
This skill costs 3,000 where you can evade an enemy attach with a slight movement of the body, which in return allow for easier counter attacks.
Table Hopper 2
This skill costs 10,000 where you can evade in any direction you want after a Table Hopper.
Table Hopper 3
This skill costs 25,000 where you can have a more effective evasive maneuver that expands upon what you have learned before.
Wire Snatch 2
This skill costs 8,000 which allows an upgrade to Wire Snatch with a longer reach.
Wire Snatch 3
This skill costs 40,000 where you can extend the reach of the Wire Snatch to the maximum, giving you more reach.
Air Hike
This skill costs 20,000 where you can concentrate demonic power into the area under your feet to perform a double jump that can reach higher locations.
Enemy Step
This skill costs 45,000 where you use an enemy from mid-air as a stepping stone to perform a double jump.
Get More Orbs
This skill costs 50,000 where you can increase the range from which you can gather orbs.
Ex Provocation
This skill costs 3,000,000 and increases the Stylish Rank more than a normal taunt. A special taunt is given only to those who paid a heavy price.
Blue Rose
All the Blue Rose skills are listed below:
Color Up 2
This skill costs 1,800 where you can pack even more power into your Color up shots. Hold Shoot to fill up the bullet gauge, letting you fire three shots once the gauge is full.
Color Up 3
This skill costs 35,000. The final upgrade to Color Up, cramming explosive power into your special bullets. Hold shoot to fill up the Bullet Gauge, letting you fire three shots once the gauge is full.
Charge Shot
This skill costs 7,000. Channel the power from your body into the Blue Rose to fire powerful shots that send foes flying. Hold shoot while attacking to build up the charge.
Charge Shot 2
This skill costs 18,000. A powered-up version of Charge Shot, packing more pain into each bullet.
Charge Shot 3
This skill costs 45,000. The strongest version of Charge Shot. These demonic bullets run wild inside an enemy’s body, detonating after a certain amount of time.
Red Queen
All Red Queen skills are listed below:
This Skill costs 800. A magnificent rushing attack that sweeps up surrounding enemies.
This skill costs 1,200. A violent descending slash that slams through an enemy and splits them right down the middle.
Red Queen Combo B
This skill costs 2,500. A series of heavy blows deal massive damage to anything unlucky enough to get in the way.
Red Queen Combo C
This skill costs 5000. A flashy sword combo versatile enough to lay out unsuspecting foes over a wider area.
Red Queen Combo D
This skill costs 8,500. A brutal series of strikes culminating in a powerful final blow.
Roulette Spin
This skill costs 7,000. Spin the Red Queen’s blade in mid-air, cutting up enemies. This attack will allow you to gain a little altitude.
This skill costs 8,000. After avoiding an attack by backstepping, rush forward and counter with a fast, powerful blow.
This skill costs 15,000. A swift mid-air strike that exploits an enemy’s weak point. Brushes off enemy attacks when activated.
Hard Way
This skill costs 20,000. A swift strike that exploits an enemy’s weak point. Brushes off enemy attacks when activated.
This skill costs 25,000. Streak towards your foe in mid-air and strike with a heavy blow.
All Exceed skills are listed below:
Exceed 2
This skill costs 3,800. An upgrade to the Exceed system. Consume two stocks of the Ex-Gauge to use level 2 Exceed moves.
Exceed 3
This skill costs 12,000. The final upgrade to the Exceed system. Consume three stocks of the Ex-Gauge to use level 3 Exceed moves.
This skill costs 45,000. Right after an attack, activate Exceed with perfect timing to max out your Exceed gauge.
Devil Bringer
All the Devil Bringer skills are listed below:
This skill costs 25,000. An incredibly powerful series of strikes with the Red Queen and your demonic arms.
Maximum Bet
This skill costs 50,000. Demonic arms and the Red Queen combine to blow through enemies like a powerful wind. Holding then relaxing attack and B/Circle will increase its attack strength.
Flat Top
This skill costs 50,000. Twist your body into the air and unfurl your demonic arms for a second jump. Hold jump to extend the air time.
Devil Breaker
All the Devil Breaker skills are listed below:
Breaker Plus
This skill costs 3,000. Up the size of your magazine, increasing the total number of Devil Breakers you can take on a mission to four.
Breaker Plus 2
This skill costs 7,000. Up the size of your magazine again, increasing the total number of Devil Breakers you can take on a mission to five.
Breaker Plus 3
This skill costs 15,000. Up the size of your magazine again, increasing the total number of Devil Breakers you can take on a mission to six.
Breaker Plus 4
This skill costs 30,000. Up the size of your magazine once more, increasing the total number of Devil Breakers you can take on a mission to seven.
Breaker Plus 5
This skill costs 50,000. Up the size of your magazine for a final time, increasing the total number of Devil Breakers you can take on a mission to eight.
Best Skills to Unlock
Here are what we think are the top skills for Nero that you should unlock as soon as you can.
Air Hike: This skill is likely the best choice early on in the game, as this allows you to double jump, making it easier to avoid hits and to reach hard to reach areas where Blue Fragments are found.
Speed: This skill is an obvious one, as it gives Nero speed in whichever direction he is running towards. This skill makes things that much better when you want to get around quickly.
Roulette Spin: This skill allows you to spin your Red Queen’s Blade in mid-air and slicing enemies around you. This move is good because of its ability to keep you in the air as both to strike enemy or to evade attacks.
Streak: this allows Nero to attack the enemy that he has locked on to. Making things a little easier to focus when there are many enemies around.
Read More Devil May Cry 5 guides:
- Devil May Cry 5 Devil Breaker Guide
- Devil May Cry 5 Blue Orbs Guide
- Devil May Cry 5 Purple Orbs Guide
This concludes our Devil May Cry 5 Nero Skills Guide. Feel free to comment below.