In this FIFA 20 Defense Guide, we will show you all the defense tactics and what are the best tactics you can use, along with some defending tips to better your defending in steal the ball or to intercept effectively whenever the opponent team goes for a play.
Defending is a big part of the game, and you need to have a basic understanding of how to defend your half of the field, preventing the opponent team to score. There are many tactics that you can use in the game that will suit your playstyle. So it is better to go through all of them and then decide what suits your playing style and how your team can defend better with the chosen tactic.
FIFA 20 Defense Guide
Below we have detailed all the tactics along with some defending tips that will help you in the game.
Defending Tactics
In this section, we will detail all the defensive playing styles that the game has. You can then decide what style suits you the best and then apply the formation and style on your team.
Defensive Style
All the defensive styles are listed below:
This is a balanced defensive style where your team will press for possession of the ball, especially in the midfield, but have the same shape that you have chosen from the start.
Drop Back
This is a fall back type of style where your opponents will have more possession of the ball, but your defenders will guard the goal by being passive and let prioritize defense over possession.
Pressure on Heavy Touch
This style will hold your team to compose their position for the time being until an opportunity to press appears. Whenever the opponent team loses possession, the team will then go for added pressure to overwhelm the opponents.
Press After Possession Loss
This is a complete attack mode whenever the opponent team loses the possession of the ball. All your players will drop their positions to press forward for the goal.
Constant Pressure
This is a constant attacking mode where you players will always be looking to attack. This can leave your team and defense vulnerable but gives you a great chance to add more pressure and take advantage of any play that you create.
Defensive Formations
This part of the guide contains all the defensive formations.
Depth Formations
All the depth formations are listed below.
1-3 Deep Formation
This formation for when you want to play deep. Yes, it does mean that your team is more focused on defending the goal, rather than worrying about possession. The good thing about this formation is that even though you won’t has a lot of possession, your defenders will really work out on picking opponent strikers and to intercept long passes.
4-7 Medium
The focus of your team will be more so in the middle of the field and focusing on the midfielders that try to go for a play. This formation is a more balanced formation, and best if you want to fight at the center of the pitch for possession and go for a play.
8-10 High Formation
This is an attacking formation, but as an attacking and putting pressure on the opponent who has the possession of the ball. Though your defense will be left open and vulnerable, you can put constant pressure on the opponent, and also push them back to their half.
Width Formations
All the width formations are listed below:
1-3 Narrow Formation
This formation means that your defense will focus more on the central position rather than wide, which means that your opponents can easily breeze past the wider positions. You should only choose this if your opponent is good at playing from the center rather from wide.
4-7 Normal Formation
This is a more balanced formation and will allow your defense to cover both center and wide approaches made by the opponents.
8-10 Wide Formation
This is the opposite of the Narrow formation where your players will focus on the wide approaches rather than the center. This works best for players who are commonly attacking from the wide side of the field. Your defenders will be more focused on plays that are made from the wide side of the field.
Read more FIFA 20 Guides:
This concludes our FIFA 20 Defense Guide. Post your comments below.