In this Fire Emblem: Three Houses Characters Guide, we will detail all the characters in the game and five into their starting skills, their strength along with their weaknesses, and also their likes and dislikes that you may have to be aware when starting to socialize with a character or when you are deciding to romantically involve yourself with them.
This guide will detail all the characters and the protagonist you play with. We will also add each character’s favorite meal, what the topics they like to talk about and what weapons they have their strengths and weaknesses as.
Fire Emblem: Three Houses Characters Guide
Below we have listed all the character details in Fire Emblem: Three Houses
This is the main protagonist of the game. he was previously a mercenary that could be hired. But when his power awakened, he pursued the path of tutoring as the Professor at the Officer’s Academy. He had a troubling past having lost his mother, and was raised by his father, the leader of the Knights of Seiros, Jeralt. Depending on your choice. Byleth can either be male or female when you are choosing them as a character.
Byleth’s starting weapon is the Iron Sword, and the starting skill levels are:
- Authority: D
- Swords: D+
- Brawling: E+
Byleth specializes in Swords, Lances, Bows and Brawling Authority.
Black Eagles
All the characters in the Black Eagles house are listed below:
Edergard is the princess of the Adrestian Empire and also the heiress to it. She is the head of the Black Eagles house and is a student at the Officer’s Academy. Her favorite meals include Sweet Bun Trio, Peach Sorbet and Saghert and Cream.
Her interests include Reading, and Solo exploration. She likes individuals who are talent, nature, beautiful scenery and likes to debate about historical viewpoints and strategies. She dislikes Chains, Rats, Swimming, Oudated values and crests.
Edelgard’s starting weapon is the Iron Axe and her strengths are Axes, Swords, Heavy Armor and Authority. Her weaknesses are Faith and Bow. Eldegard’s starting skills are:
- Authority: D
- Heavy Armor: D
- Swords: E+
- Axe: D
Hubert is the eldest son of Marquess Bestla, and is also from the Adrestian Empire. He is a student at the Officer’s Academy and is best known as a tactician in the Black Eagle House. He was previously a servant of Edelgard when he was young. His favorite meal is Two-Fish Saute.
Haubert’s strength are Swords, Axes, Authority and Heavy Armor. His weaknesses are Faith and Bow.
Haubert interests include protecting Edelgard, Strategy and Research. He likes Intelligence, people who are useful, Coffee and Irony. He dislikes those who trouble Edelgard, Gambling, Hieghlts, Nostalgia, Laziness and the Church of Seiros.
Haubert’s starting skills are:
- Authority: E+
- Reason: D
- Bows: D
Dorothea was previously a songstress at the Mittlefrank Opera Company before she enlisted in the Officer’s Academy. She is one of the commoners in the Adrestian Empire.
Her favoriute meal is Saghert and Cream, and Peach Sorbet. She has interest in singing and a little bit of everything. She likes to sing, Act, and likes music, Decorative Ornaments, accessories and small animals. She dislikes herself and Arrogant Nobles.
Dorothea’s strength are Reason and Swords. Her weaknesses are Riding, Flying and Faith.
Her starting skill levels are:
- Reason: D
- Swords: E+
Ferdinand is also from the Adrestian Empire and is part of the Black Eagles house. He traces his lineage to duke Aegir, a family whose notoriety as prime ministers was handed down for generations. Ferdinand takes pride in his blood and losing disgusts him.
His favorite meal is Daphnel Stew, Sweet Bun Trio, Pheasant Roast with Berry Sauce, and Saghert and Cream.
His interest are in collecting armor and being noble. He likes Horseback riding, tea, justice and being noble. He dislikes slothfulness, and noble who are not noble.
Ferdinand’s starting skill levels are:
- Lances: D
- Axes: E+
- Swords: E+
- Riding: D
Petra is the princes of the western Fodlan’s Brigid islands. And has ventured in the academy to study and show allegiance to the empire. Her favorite meals are Beast Meat Teppanyaki, Pickled Rabbit Skewers, Daphnel Stew, Grilled Herring, Spicy Fish and Turnip Stew.
Her interests include studying, hunting and hide tanning. She likes to swim in the ocean, sunshine, climbing trees, familiar and her homeland. She dislikes math, idleness and discrimination.
Her strengths are Swords, Axes, Bows and Flying. While her weaknesses are Reason and Faith.
Petra’s Starting Skills are:
- Swords: D
- Axes: E+
- Flying: D
- Bows: E+
Linhardt is the son of Count Hevling. He is in the Black Eagles House where he helps in research on crests at the Officer’s Academy. His starting weapon is the training sword. His interests include Crest Research and sleeping.
Linhardt’s favorite meals are Saghert and Cream, Sweet Bun Trio, Pheasant Roast with Berry Sauce, Peach Sorbet, Daphnel Stew.
He likes sleeping and having midday naps, freedom and fishing. He dislikes fighting, blood, weapons, duty, self restraint, politics, ghosts. His starting skill levels are:
- Reason: E+
- Faith: D
Bernadetta is the daughter of Duke Varley of the Adrestian Empire. She belongs to the Black Eagles house and is a student in the Officer’s Academy. She is overwhelmed by strangers and tends to avoid them altogether. With low esteem haunting her, she likes to keep herself indoors in the girl’s dormitory.
Bernadetta’s starting weapon is the Iron Bow, with strengths in Lances and Bows. Her weaknesses are Swords, Axes, Heavy Armor and Brawling. Her favorite meals are Saghert and Cream, Sweet Bun Trio, Peach Sorbet and Two-Fish Saute.
Bernadetta’s has interests in knitting and embroidery, writing and illustrating novels. She dislikes speaking to people, imposing figures and overbearing fathers. Her starting skill levels are:
- Bows: D
- Lances: E+
Casper is the second son on Count Velgris and is much similar to Linhardt. But they are not close to each other. When he realized that he has no name to the throne, he made a name for himself in martial arts. He has a strong sense of justice and can be quite reckless at times. His starting weapon is the Iron Axe.
His favorite meals include beast meat Teppanyaki, sweet bun trio, pickled rabbit skewers, and Daphnel stew. He has interest in training very early in the morning and eat breakfast quickly.
He likes to fight and vanquish evil. He dislikes liars, injustice, wasting time and rain. Caspar’s starting skill level are:
- Axes: D
- Brawling: E+
Golden Deer
All the characters in the Golden Deer house are listed below:
Claude is the heir to the Leicester Alliance’s house of Regan. He is a student in the Officer’s Academy and part of the Golden Deer house. He is a carefree but serious person especially when in dire situations. His starting weapon is the Iron Bow.
Claude’s strengths are Bows, Authority, Riding, Flying and Swords. His weaknesses are Faith, and Lances. His favorite meals include Pheasant Roast with Berry Sauce, Beast Meat Teppanyaki, Pickled Rabbit Skewers, Daphnel Stew, Scrambled Eggs with Vegetables.
Claude’s interests include planning feasts and tactical scheming. He likes long rides, archery, poetry, topics that are curious. He dislikes leaving things to chance, being bound by common sense and blind reliance on gods.
His starting skill levels are:
- Riding: E+
- Flying: E+
- Swords: E+
- Bows: D
- Authority: D
Hilde also comes from the Leicester Alliance and is the daughter of the duke. She loves fashion and luxury and comes of as a spoiled brat. She is a part of the Golden Deer faction and is a student in the Officer’s Academy.
Hilde’s strengths include Axes and Lances, while weakness is Heavy Armor. Her favorite meal is two-fish saute.
Her interests include chatting and making accessories. She likes fashion, singing, dancing, colorful flowers and persuasion. She dislikes effort, responsibility, extreme heat or cold.
Her starting skill levels are:
- Lances: E+
- Axes: D
Raphael is a son of a merchant family from Leicester, and became an orphan after the death of his parents in an accident. He loves training and wants to achieve an ideal physique like the knights. However, he has poor concentration during lectures. His starting weapon is the Iron Gauntlets.
His strengths are brawling, axes, and heavy armor. His weaknesses are bows, riding and reasoning. His favorite meals include daphnel stew, pickled seafood and vegetables and pheasant roast with berry sauce.
Raphael has in interests in eating and bodybuilding. He likes to built muscles, training, pure protein and also likes his baby sister. He dislikes unfinished meals and learning from books.
His starting skill levels are:
- Heavy Armor: D
- Axes: E+
- Brawling: D
Ignatz also comes from the line of merchants. He comes with no inheritance to family business because of being the second son. This allowed him to enlist as a student in the Officer’s Academy in the Golden Deer house. He is warm and gentle and loves arts and nature. His starting weapon is the Iron Bow.
His strengths are Authority and Bow, while he has a weakness to flying. His favorite meal is the two-fish saute.
Ignatz has his interest in painting and collecting art supplies. He dislikes people who don’t appreciate art, stressful situations and lightning. His starting skill levels are:
- Authority: E+
- Swords: E+
- Bows: D
The firstborne daughter of the house of Duke Cordelia. She is called the magical prodigy and is the youngest student in the Officer’s Academy. Her starting weapon is the Training bow.
Her strengths are authority, reason and faith. While weaknesses are most weapons like swords, axes, lances and heavy armor. Her interest are about magic and tactic research. She also likes to eat sweets secretly.
Lysithea likes sweets, cute things and lilies, while she hates being treated as a child, physical labor, ghosts and bitter food. Her starting skill levels are:
- Authority: E+
- Faith: E+
- Reason: D
Marianne is a shy girl that rarely speaks. She is the adopted daughter of Duke Edmond and is devoted to the Goddess of Fodlan, who she prays everyday. Her starting weapon is the Training Sword.
Her strengths include flying, riding, swords and faith. She has a weakness to heavy armor and brawling. Her favorite meals include two-fish saute, peach sorbet and sweet bun trio.
Her interests lie in praying and talking to animals. She likes the Goddess of Fodlan, birds, reading and delicate flowers. She dislikes herself, tidying up and crests. Her starting skill levels are:
- Faith: D+
- Swords: E+
Leonie is the daughter of an unknown hunter in Sawin village. Her village donated money for her to be at the Officer’s Academy and she hopes to pay it back to the village. She is a mercenary in training in Jeralt’s group. She hopes to become a full fledged mercenary someday. Her starting weapon is the Iron Lance.
Her strengths are bows, riding and lances. Her favorite meals are Beast Meat Teppanyaki, Daphnel Stew, Two-Fish Saute, Grilled Herring, Pickled Seafood and Vegetables, Spicy Fish and Turnip Stew.
Leonie is interested in bow maintenance and saving money. She likes Captain Jeralt, Military Arts, Competition, Hunting, Fishing, Gardening, Collecting and Reusing discarded objects. She dislikes defeat, decadence, debt and poisonous creatures. Her starting skill level are:
- Riding: E+
- Bows: E+
- Lances: D+
Blue Lions
All the characters in the Blue Lions house are listed below:
Dimitri is the heir and the prince of the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus. He is the head of the Blue Lions house and is a student in the Officer’s Academy. His starting weapon is the Iron Lance.
His strength are lances, swords, and authority. His weaknesses are reason and Axes. His favorite meal is saghert and cream, and sweet bun trio.
His interests are in maintaining weapons and battle training. He likes Combat Training, High-Quality Weapons, Strength Training, Going for Long Rides, Physically Laborious Work. He dislikes delicate work, things that are fragile, selfish people and hot weather. His starting skill levels are:
- Riding: D
- Authority: D
- Swords: E+
- Lances: D+
Dedue is a student of the Officer’s Academy who was raised in the Daska region. He serves Dimitri and has pledged his allegiance on his life to the Blue Lions. Though he looks serious and stern, he is calm and a gentle man. His starting weapon is the Iron Axe.
Dedue’s strengths are axes, brawling heavy armor and swords. His weaknesses are flying and riding. His favorite meals are grilled herring, pickled seafood and vegetables, and daphnel stew.
His interest are in cooking and housekeeping. He likes his needlework, his arts and crafts, gardening and flowers. He dislikes anything that tries to harm Dimitri. His start skill levels are:
- Heavy Armor: D
- Brawling: E+
- Lances: E+
- Axes: D+
Felis is the heir to the House of Duke Fraldarius and resides in the Holy Kingdom of Faerhgus. He is a childhood friend of Dimitri and enrolled in the academy in the Blue Lions house. He is a lone wolf and is best in sword fighting, without a shred of hesitance.
Felix’s starting weapon is the Iron Sword, and his strengths are in bows, swords and brawling. His weaknesses are in authority and reason. His favorite meal is daphnel stew.
His interests include practicing sword fighting and weapon maintenance. He likes spicy good, hunting, meat, high quality of weapons and fighting. He dislikes levity, sweets chivalry and also dislikes his father. His start skill levels are:
- Brawling: D
- Bow: D
- Swords: D
Ingrid is the Lade of House Galatea and also a childhood friend of Demitri. She always wanted to be a knight and Dimitri has always known she would become one. Her starting weapon is the Iron Lance.
Her strengths are in riding, flying, swords and lances. Her favorite meals are Pheasant Roast with Berry Sauce, Peach Sorbet, Beast Meat Teppanyaki, Pickled Rabbit Skewers, Daphnel Stew, Grilled Herring, Spicy Fish and Turnip Stew.
Her interests lie in eating and reading. She likes Food Samples, Meaty Meals, Looking after Horses, Tales of Chivalry, Virtuous Knights. She dislikes people of Duscur, hunger and extravagance. Her starting skill levels are:
- Flying: D
- Bow: D
- Swords: D
- Riding: D
Mercedes is a kind and caring character who is always there to help anyone in need. She is a commoner in the Holy Kingdom of Fearghus. Though she looks young, she is older than the rest of the student sin the class. Her starting weapon is the training bow.
Her strengths are in faith and reason, while her weaknesses are heavy armor, lances, axes and swords. Her favorite meal is saghert and cream, pheasant roast with berry sauce, and peach sorbet.
Her interests are in baking and praying. She likes needlework, ghost stories, adorable things, painting, reading, fragrant flowers and sweets. Her starting skill levels are:
- Faith: D
- Reason: E+
The adopted son of Lord Lonato, Ashe is a fellow student in the Blue Lions house in Officer’s Academy. He loves to study and trains hard to please his benefactor. His starting weapon is the Iron Bow.
His strengths are bows and axes. While his weaknesses are reason. His favorite meals are pheasant roast with berry sauce, and peach sorbet. His interests lie in reading and cooking.
Ashe likes tales of chivalry, sweets, read travel journals, looking after children and violets. He dislikes ghosts, enclosed spaces, deception and violence. His starting skill levels are:
- Bow: D
- Axe: E+
Annette is the niece of Baron Dominique. She is a cheerful and hardworking student in the Blue Lions house. She previously studied at the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus’ Mage Academy where she befriended Mercedes. Annette is said to be prone to making mistakes, often leading her to failure. Her starting weapon is the training axe.
Her strengths are in authority, reason and axes. Her weaknesses are heavy armor and bows. Her favorite meals are Sweet Bun Trio, Pheasant Roast with Berry Sauce, Peach Sorbet, Grilled Herring, Pickled Seafood and Vegetables, Spicy Fish and Turnip Stew.
Her interests are in studying and singing. She likes dancing, doing laundry, cleaning, morning walks, and getting to dress up. She dislikes dark places, hard to reach areas that need good dusting, coffee and indolence. Her starting skill levels are:
- Authority: E+
- Reason: D+
- Axes: E+
Sylvain is the son of Duke Gautier from the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus. He is often seen as the older brother by other students in the house. He is also known for sweet talking with girls. His starting weapon is the Iron Lance.
His strengths are in lances, axes and riding. His weakness are bows. His favorite meal is pheasant roast with berry sauce, and peach sorbet.
His interests lie in women, lively places and board games. He dislikes unclean spaces, hot weather and jealousy. Sylvain’s starting skill levels are:
- Lances: D
- Riding: D
- Axes: D
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