Season 7 of Fortnite has finally kicked off which means that all new challenges are finally here. Week 1 challenges are here and it brings some new cold challenges for both Battle Pass owners and normal players. Just like the previous season, there are three challenges for free players and seven challenges for the Battle Pass owners. Season 7 is starting strong and this Fortnite Season 7 Week 1 Challenges Guide focuses on the first week challenges.
We have curated this Fortnite Season 7 Week 1 Challenges Guide in which we have detailed all of the challenges and how you can complete them. One of the challenges include finding and dancing in forbidden locations in the game. We have listed them below as well as the location of the Crown of RVs, location of the metal turtle as well as the location of the submarine where you are required to dance.
Season 7 Week 1 Challenges – Fortnite
Our Fortnite Season 7 Week 1 Challenges Guide details all challenges and how you can complete them.
Challenge List
We have listed the seven challenges below.
- Pick up an item of each rarity
- Dance in different forbidden locations
- Play matches with at least one elimination
- Stage 1: Dace on Top of a Crown of RVs
- Deal Headshot Damage to Opponents
- Stage 1: Search Ammo Boxes in a single match
- Eliminate opponents in different Named Locations
Free Challenges
Three challenges are free and anyone who owns the game can complete them to unlock special Season 7 items. We have detailed them below.
Pick up an item of each rarity
There are five different rarities in the game. Pick up a weapon of each rarity to complete this challenge. We have detailed the rarities below.
- Common – Grey
- Uncommon – Green
- Rare – Blue
- Epic – Purple
- Legendary – Golden
Dance in different forbidden locations
You will need to find a no dancing sign and dance there to complete the challenge. You will need to dance in seven different locations where dancing is forbidden. This is a repeat challenge from Season 3 but now locations have been changed. You can find seven locations below where you can dance to complete this challenge.
- Dusty Divot – Head to the northeast edge of the crater and look for the sign near the zipline
- Wailing Woods – Head north and find the ice cream truck on a small hill. There’s a sign here.
- Stunt Mountain – Go to the top of the Stunt Mountain located north of the football stadium. A sign is located there.
- Frosty Flight – This is a new area. Head to the south and find a sign at the very edge of the snowy area.
- Race Track – A sign is located at the back of the taco shop located at the Race Track.
- Junk Junction – There’s a sign at the bottom of the metal llama.
- Risky Reels – Head south and look for an RV on a small hill. There’s a sign here.
Play matches with at least one elimination
You will need to get at least one elimination in five different matches to complete this challenge. This can even be done in Duos or Squads however this is much easier in Solo where a downed enemy is instantly killed.
Battle Pass Exclusive Challenges
The Following challenges are exclusively available for the Battle Pass Owners. Free players cannot complete them unless they purchase the Battle Pass for $10.
Dancing Challenge – Three Stages
This challenge has three stages and you will need to complete them in a sequence. Each time you complete a stage, you get access to more stages. For this challenge, you need to visit three unique stages and dance there. We have detailed them below.
- Stage 1: Dance on top of a Crown of RVs
- Stage 2: Dance on top of a Metal Turtle
- Stage 3: Dance on top of a Submarine
Once you have danced on all three locations, the challenge will be complete.
Deal headshot damage to opponents
For this challenge, you must deal 500 headshot damage to opponents. This is not limited to a single match and you can complete them over different matches. For this, using snipers is the best option but if you do not have a good grip on sniping, use assault rifles and try to aim at the enemy’s head as much as possible and this challenge will be complete.
Challenge #6 – Three Stages
This challenge has three stages to complete as well and each time you complete a stage; new stages will unlock. We have detailed the stages below.
- Stage 1: Search Ammo Boxes in a single match
- Stage 2: Pending
- Stage 3: Pending
We are completing this challenge and will add more info soon on how to complete the remaining challenges.
Eliminate opponents in different named locations
This is a simple elimination challenge. You can use any weapon of your choice but the location must be unique for each elimination for completing the challenge. Fortnite features 21 locations so you can easily go to any five different locations and get an elimination there to complete the challenge.
For more information on Season 7 such as all items, costumes, new additions and features, check out here.
This concludes our Fortnite Season 7 Week 1 Challenges Guide. If you want to add anything to this guide, feel free to use the comments section below.