Ghost of Tsushima Heavenly Strike Mythic Tale Guide – How to Complete

Ghost of Tsushima Heavenly Strike Mythic Tale Guide

This Ghost of Tsushima Heavenly Strike Mythic Tale Guide will show the walkthrough of the Heavenly Strike Mythic Tale and how to complete it. This is the first Mythic Tale that you come across in Ghost of Tsushima and it rewards you with the Legendary Heavenly Strike combat art.

The Heavenly Strike is a combat art that allows you quickly strike the enemy without them defending or blocking it. This attack works great against staggered enemies as it will deal more damage to targets.

Ghost of Tsushima Heavenly Strike Mythic Tale Guide

Below we have detailed the Heavenly Strike Mythic Tale walkthrough.

How to Complete the Heavenly Strike Mythic Tale

The first step to get the Heavenly Strike is to first go to the musician, who can be found on a southwestern path from the Golden Temple. From the temple, take the path heading east, and then towards the southwest near the Brown River Gorge. You will eventually come across the musician in this area, and all you have to do is listen to his Mythic Tale.

After the tale ends, you have to follow the wind which will take you to a bridge with a woman under it. Talk to her and follow her to the top of the bridge. Your next task here will have you investigate horse tracks, clear out a Mongol Camp, and then talk to the villager. After you have taken out the enemies, head up to the watchtower and look at the table to the left and painting to investigate both objects. Now head back to the woman and she will give you another task.

Your next task is to find the White Leafed Tree, which can again be found by following the wind. The wind will take you up the mountain towards the Plum Blossom Shrine where you will talk to a woman. You will also get the Shinto Shrine allowing you to get some items here for climbing the mountain. After you have talked to the woman, you need to get on top of the Shinto Shrine to get the reward items.

Now you have to go to the white tree grove that you found out near the Shinto Shrine. You can do this by just going to the objective marker, and this will take you to a small village with enemies. Kill the enemies and save the hostage, who will send you to Shigenori’s Rest.

When you reach the Shigenori’s Rest, you will have to defeat some Mongols and prepare for a boss fight with Yasuhira Koga. Defeat this boss and you will get the Heavenly Strike combat art, a sword kit, and increase legend.

Other Mythic Tale Guides:

This concludes our Ghost of Tsushima Heavenly Strike Mythic Tale Guide. Post your comments below.

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About the Author: Salik Shah

An ardent lover for first-person shooter games, Salik has been part of GamesHedge all through its journey. His love for competitive gaming started with Counter-Strike and Call of Duty, and now can be seen lurking in Valorant and Rainbow Six: Siege.

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