Godfall Skills Guide – Skill Trees, Upgrade Levels

Godfall Skills Guide

This Godfall Skills Guide will show you all the Skill Trees in the game with their stats and upgrades. Each Skill comes with different boost and abilities that will help you in the gameplay.

As you progress in the game, you will earn Skill Points which can then be used in the Skill Trees to level up each skill you want. Each Skill has many upgrade levels that you can upgrade to.

Godfall Skills Guide

Below we have detailed all the Skills in the game.



  • Level 1: Land multiple weapon hits in a short period of time to enter Rampage, where you deal 20% more damage. Lose Rampage if you don’t hit an enemy for 10 seconds
  • Level 2: +5% Rampage Charge Speed
  • Level 3: +25% Rampage Duration
  • Level 4: +10% Rampage Charge Speed
  • Level 5: +10% Rampage bonus damage
Weapon Techniques
  • Level 1: Perform northern and southern techniques
  • Level 2: +10% weapon technique damage
  • Level 3: +5% weapon technique charge speed
  • Level 4: +15% weapon technique damage
  • Level 5: +10% weapon technique charge speed
Archon Fury
  • Level 1: +5% Archon Fury
  • Level 2: +5% Archon Fury Duration
  • Level 3: +5% Archon Fury Charge Speed
  • Level 4: +10% Archon Fury duration
  • Level 5: +10% Archon Fury charge speed
  • Level 1: +10 Might
  • Level 2:+20 Might
  • Level 3: +60 Might
  • Level 4: +4% Might
  • Level 5: +8% Might
Polarity Attacks
  • Level 1: Charge up your Polarity Attack by hitting enemies with your weapon. When you fully charged, swap weapons to unleash a shockwave and boost your weapon’s damage by 20% for 30 seconds
  • Level 2: +10% Polarity Attack damage
  • Level 3: +5% Polarity Attack charge speed
  • Level 4: +15% Polarity Attack Charge damage
  • Level 5: +10% Polarity Attack charge speed
  • Level 1: Leaping Shield bash deals 50% damage to full-health ranged enemies
  • Level 2: +10% damage to Breached enemies
  • Level 3: Your charged heavy attacks deal +25% Breach damage
  • Level 4: +15% damage to Breached enemies
  • Level 5: Whenever you perform a Takedown on a Breached enemy, your next charged heavy attack deals +100% damage.
  • Level 1: +20 Vitality
  • Level 2: +40 Vitality
  • Level 3: +60 Vitality
  • Level 4: +4% Vitality
  • Level 5: +8% Vitality
  • Level 1: Press and hold L1 + Square to Siphon enemy health over 4 seconds. Vitality increases Siphon damage. Defeat a small enemy with Siphon to summon a copy of the enemy to fight by your side for 10 seconds
  • Level 2: Reduce Siphon duration by 25%
  • Level 3: Defeat an enemy with Siphon to gain 25% Shield charge and 10% Archon Fury  charge
  • Level 4: Reduce Siphon duration by 25%
  • Level 5: Siphon up to 3 enemies in front of you at the same time
  • Level 1: Press X while evading to perform an Evasive Slide, increasing your mobility as your evade
  • Level 2: Your parry window is 10% longer
  • Level 3: Replace your Quickturn with a Quickturn Attack that throws a dagger at up to 2 enemies behind you and staggers them
  • Level 4: Your parry window is 10% longer
  • Level 5: Your Spirit attacks deal +50% damage to full-health enemies
  • Level 1: Hit enemy Weakpoints to deal increased damage and knock down the enemy
  • Level 2: +10% Weakpoint damage
  • Level 3: Hit a Weakpoint with a heavy attack to deal +50% Breach damage
  • Level 4: +15% Weakpoint damage
  • Level 5: Hit a Weakpoint to unleash a shockwave of damage behind the enemy
Shield Throw
  • Level 1: Press L1 + Circle to perform an arcing shield throw that hits all enemies along its trajectory
  • Level 2: +10% Shield Damage
  • Level 3: Press L1 right as your Shield Throw or L1 + Circle Arcing Shield Throw returns to release as Explosive Wave
  • Level 4: +5% Shield charge speed
  • Level 5: Press L1 right as your L1 + R2 Shield Throw hits as an enemy to perform a Spectral Blow and dash to the enemy
  • Level 1: +20 Spirit
  • Level 2: +40 Spirit
  • Level 3: +60 Spirit
  • Level 4: +4% Spirit
  • Level 5:+8% Spirit
  • Level 1: +5% Banner Overhealth
  • Level 2: +7% Banner Overhealth
  • Level 3: +5% Banner charge speed
  • Level 4: +10% Banner Overhealth
  • Level 5: +10% Banner duration
  • Level 1: +3% health recovery
  • Level 2: +3% health recovery
  • Level 3: +5% health recovery
  • Level 4: +5% health recovery
  • Level 5: +10% health recovery
  • Level 1: +2% to all resistances
  • Level 2: +2% to all resistances
  • Level 3: +3% all resistances
  • Level 4: +3% to all resistances
  • Level 5: +5% cap to all resistances
  • Level 1: You can perform Takedown on a small enemy immediately after a parry
  • Level 2: +5% Takedown damage
  • Level 3: You can perform a takedown on larger enemies after a parry if they are below 40% health
  • Level 4: +10% Takedown damage
  • Level 5: For 30 seconds after defeating an enemy with a Weapon Technique you can perform a free special Takedown
Shield Attacks
  • Level 1: Press L1+X to perform a Petrifying Slam, dealing damage to nearby enemies and petrifying enemies Breached by the attack
  • Level 2: +10% Shield Damage
  • Level 3: Press L1+R1 to perform a Shield Bash, damaging and knocking down enemies
  • Level 4: +10% Shield Damage
  • Level 5: Double tap L1 to perform a spinning blast that interrupts enemy Red Power Attacks. If you Shield is Primed, this attack will petrify Breached enemies and return your Shield to normal
All Stats
  • Level 1: +10 Might, Spirit, and Vitality
  • Level 2: +15 Might, Spirit, and Vitality
  • Level 3: +20 Might, Spirit, and Vitality
  • Level 4: +2% Might, Spirit, and Vitality
  • Level 5: +4% Might, Spirit, and Vitality
  • Level 1: +2% chance to inflict Ailments
  • Level 2: +2% chance to inflict Ailments
  • Level 3: +15% damage for each Ailment on the enemy
  • Level 4: +4% chance to inflict Ailments
  • Level 5: +20% damage for each Ailment on the enemy
Critical Hit Chance
  • Level 1:+2.5% Crit Chance
  • Level 2: +2.5% Crit Chance
  • Level 3: 10% chance to gain the Blessing of Luck whenever you perform a critical hit
  • Level 4: +4% Critical Hit Chance
  • Level 5: 10% chance to gain the Greater Blessing of Luck whenever you perform a Critical Hit
Critical Hit Damage
  • Level 1: +5% Critical Hit Damage
  • Level 2: +10% Critical Hit Damage
  • Level 3: 10% chance the enemy gains the Mark of Fragility whenever you perform a Critical Hit
  • Level 4: +15% Critical Hit Damage
  • Level 5: +10% chance the enemy gains the Mark of Fragility whenever you perform a Critical Hit
Shield Prime
  • Level 1: Parry or Block to charge your Shield. When fully charged, your Shield becomes Primed for 40 seconds. Parry enemies while Primed to deflect 25% of the incoming damage at the enemies in front of you.
  • Level 2: Primed state lasts an additional 20 seconds, charges 25% faster and reflects 50% of incoming damage.
  • Level 3: Hold L1+R2 then release to perform a Charged Shield Throw, If your Shield is Primed, the throw deals +100% damage and returns your shield to normal.
  • Level 4: If you Shield is Primed Press L1 after performing a Petrifying Slam to perform a follow-up Primed Petrifying Slam and return your Shield to normal
  • Level 5: Press L1+ Right Thumbstick to Prime your Shield
  • Level 1: +5% Soulshatter Buildup
  • Level 2: +5% Soulshatter Buildup
  • Level 3: +7% Soulshatter Buildup
  • Level 4: +10% Soulshatter Buildup
  • Level 5: Soulshhater an enemy to unleash a shockwave that applies Soulshatter Buildup to enemies in its wake

Read more Godfall Guides:

This concludes our Godfall Skills Guide. Post your comments below.

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About the Author: Salik Shah

An ardent lover for first-person shooter games, Salik has been part of GamesHedge all through its journey. His love for competitive gaming started with Counter-Strike and Call of Duty, and now can be seen lurking in Valorant and Rainbow Six: Siege.

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