Halo Infinite Weapons Guide – All Weapons, Damage Types

Halo Infinite Weapons Guide

Halo Infinite brings with it tons of weapons that you can use to annihilate your enemies. Some are new weapons but most of the weapons are returning weapons from the previous Halo titles. We have curated this Halo Infinite Weapons Guide for you in which we have found and listed all of the weapons found in Halo Infinite and also detailed the four damage types in the game so that you can understand all of the weapons easily and use them effectively in the game.

Weapons Guide – Halo Infinite

Halo Infinite comes with a decent number of weapons that you can use in the game during both single-player and multiplayer modes. Each weapon in the game is unique and you will need to understand them well in order to fully utilize them during various combat scenarios. While any weapon can work during the singleplayer modes, for competitive online modes, you need to make sure that you are aware of the weapon’s weaknesses and strengths and use them accordingly. Another thing to keep in mind is the damage type that each weapon deals with in the game. Each damage type is unique and has its own strengthens and weaknesses. Below, we have detailed them all.

All Weapons in Halo Infinite

We have detailed all weapons in this Halo Infinite Weapons Guide according to their category in the tables below:

Assault Weapons

This section lists all of the assault weapons in Halo Infinite:

Weapon Name Description
BR75 Battle Rifle Offers medium and long-range combat opportunity with a mounted scope. Can be used as a closed-range weapon without the scope as well.
MA40 Assault Rifle The default weapon used by UNSC in Halo, the MA40 Assault Rifle is the most common weapon and probably the most used in the game as well. It is excellent for medium to close-range combat and has a high rate of fire with a decent accuracy
Needler Needler fires homing needles that explode if you pile them up on your enemies. However it is best at close range and sometimes even at medium range, it misses its mark
Pulse Carbine Just like the name suggests, it fires bursts of plasma at your enemies and it is most effective at close to medium range. It can overheat so you will need to look at the temperature gauge
VK78 Commando Probably the gun with the most recoil, the VK78 Commando excels at long-range combat since it offers the best of the optics in the game. You can use it for medium-range encounters as well as long as you can keep the enemy in your sights

Shotguns & Sniper Rifles

This section lists all of the sniper rifles and shotguns found in Halo Infinite:

Weapon Name Description
CQS48 Bulldog Bulldog is your traditional shotgun in Halo Infinite, and you will use it a lot if you love close encounters. It packs quite a punch for close encounters but becomes useless in
Mangler Mangler is Halo’s take on the machine pistol combined with a sawed-off shotgun. It is a small close-range pistol shotgun with a high rate of fire but an amazingly low range. Best to use if you manage to sneak up on your enemy’s back.
S7 Sniper Rifle Probably the only ‘real’ sniper in Halo Infinite is the S7 Sniper Rifle, which is both heavy, slow but will explode heads on demand. The ammo in your clip is always low but if you can make all shots count, you can have a decent kill count under your name.
Shock Rifle Shock Rifle does not deal a lot of damage, but its ammo bounces off walls, and once it connects with one enemy, the damage arcs to nearby enemies as well. It is most effective against groups of enemies but if you can manage a headshot, you will get an instant kill
Stalker Rifle The Stalker Rifle is the sniper rifle of choice of the Covenants and to be honest, it is just mediocre. If you want to do some proper sniping, I will suggest that you keep away from it.

Side Arms

This section lists all of the Side Arms found in Halo Infinite:

Weapon Type Description
Disruptor This is a great support weapon as it will arc damage to enemies and can also disable vehicles with its shock damage but when it comes to dealing actual damage to enemies, this is just plain useless.
MK50 Sidekick If everything else fails and runs out of you, your MK50 Sidekick will always be there for you in the game. This is your default sidearm and offers a decent range, damage, and rate of fire. Not recommended for long-range encounters
Plasma Pistol Probably the most useless weapon in Halo Infinite. The Plasma Pistol is slow, it is weak and it will make you suffer as well as you try to kill someone with it. Keep away from it.

Heavy Weapons

This section of the guide lists all of the Heavy Weapons in the game:

Weapon Name Description
Cindershot Cindershot is another grenade launcher that fires shots that instead of exploding on impact, bounce around until they find an enemy. If no enemy is near, they will settle and then explode. Each explosion has a great AoE, so it is excellent for crowd control.
Heatwave This powerful weapon fires six projectiles ahead which bounce off walls and enemies and each projectile does a lot of damage. The alternate fire mode allows you to fire at an angle for a reaching farther enemies.
Hydra Hydra is a mini-missile launcher that fires rockets in a straight line. You can fire tracking missiles with it as well if you switch to aiming mode. It packs a decent amount of power.
M41 SPNKR This is a double-barreled rocket launcher that can fire two rockets at your enemies. Each shot’s blast radius causes a lot of damage, and it is super effective against vehicles. Its downside is that it does not offer any sort of tracking so you must aim properly before firing it.
Ravager Ravager is a grenade launcher that fires three-shot bursts and each one deals massive damage. It also comes with an alternate mode that allows you to charge it up and fire a charged beam at your enemies to annihilate them. You must keep it aimed at the enemies until it charged up or else you will miss the shot.
Sentinel Beam The Sentinel Beam fires a powerful beam at your enemies that can also hit different enemies at the same time. If deals massive damage however the longer you hold it, the higher its recoil gets.
Skewer The skewer is a slow rocket launcher with an aiming system that can kill enemies with one hit but takes a long time to reload so you will need to time your shots carefully.

Melee Weapons

This section lists all of the melee weapons in the game:

Weapon Name Description
Gravity Hammer The Gravity Hammer is huge, and it makes enemies fly. If you find one, always pick it up and start swinging at your enemies to make them explore or fly depending on your angle. You will need to get in close though.
Energy Sword The Energy Sword is a one-hit kill weapon and the most annoying weapon in your enemy’s hands. It will kill in one hit but you must get close to your enemies.

Damage Types

Another major factor in deciding your weapon of choice is the damage type that each weapon does in the game. Depending on the type of damage, each weapon is strong against one aspect of your enemies and weak against another aspect of your enemies. You need to keep in mind both of them and then decide which weapon is to be used during your current scenario. Not all damage types are great for each fight so pick wisely.

Hard Light Damage

Hard Light weapons are a balance of both worlds. These weapons deal damage to both shields and flesh equally so if you find one, you have a jack-of-all-trades. Their downside is that they are either slow to fire or their weapons require a charge before you shoot them. Their shots also come with various other effects such as some of the weapons like Cindershot and Heatwave have ammo that bounces off walls so you will need to keep all aspects in check while firing them. Their ammo is scarce as well.

Kinetic Damage

Kinetic damage is dealt by nearly all of the weapons made by humans in the game. These weapons use traditional bullets, and you have to reload them once their clip is empty. These include Assault Rifles, Shotguns, and Pistols. These types of weapons deal massive damage to flesh enemies but are not very effective against shields. Shields absorb kinetic damage to you are best using kinetic weapons once the shields are down for maximum damage to your enemies.

Plasma Damage

Plasma weapons in Halo are used by Covenant forces and you can easily find them in their bases, sectors, and ships. Dead Covenant will also give you a variety of plasma-based weapons. These weapons do not use traditional clips and you have to watch out for their temperature since they tend to overheat and then you need to wait until they are cooled down. These weapons are most-effective against shields so you can use Plasma weapons against shielded enemies to bring them down and then switch to Kinetic weapons to finish the job.

Shock Damage

Shock weapons are a new addition to Halo Infinite, and they deal very little damage to both shields and flesh. Their main goal is to contain large groups of enemies and disable them. For example, if a group of enemies is charging at you, fire a shock weapon at them and the damage will arc to various enemies dealing equal damage to all of them and thus weakening a large number of enemies for your other weapons fairly quickly. Do not rely on Shock weapons for your main damage dealing gun.

That is all for our Halo Infinite Weapons Guide. For more help with Halo Infinite, check out the guides listed below:

This concludes our Halo Infinite Weapons Guide. If you want to add anything to this guide, feel free to use the comments section below.

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About the Author: Umair Khalid

Founder of GamesHedge, Umair enjoys a wide variety of video games ranging from RPGs to racing games. Currently busy with The Crew Motorfest and Kingdom Rush 5: Alliance.

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