Team Ninja has released a brand new trailer for Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order and it reveals the X-Men that will be present in the game. Although there are not the best ones out of the bunch, we are still getting some pretty decent X-Men in the roster of Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3.
According to the new trailer, Magnet, Psylocke, Nightcrawler, Beast and Juggernaut will join the roster of Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 alongside Wolverine when the game comes out this summer. We would have loved to see fan favorites such as Cyclops or Storm come to the game but I guess we will have to suffice with the ones added to the game.
Previously, Team Ninja revealed a trailer showcasing Wolverine as well courtesy of Game Informer. He is also one of the fan favorite X-Men who comes with his volatile nature and regenerating powers to the game. His signature claws can shred anything to pieces in a single slash.
Check out the new trailer showcasing X-Men in the game.
In addition, you can check out Game Informer’s exclusive Wolverine gameplay below as well.
If you want to check out more Game Informer’s coverage of characters, you can check out Ms. Marvel:
the Miles Morales version of Spider-Man:
and none other than Spider-Gwen.
Since the game is still at least 2 months away, we can expect to see more coverage and character reveal trailers in the coming days as well. So far, Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order is turning out to be the best one in the franchise so far as we have the best character roster to ever come in the game. Stay tuned for more coverage coming out soon.
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order is releasing exclusively on Nintendo Switch on July 19, 2019.