Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord Survival Guide – Survival Tips

Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord Survival Guide

This Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord Survival Guide will show you some tips on how to survive in the game, especially when you are just getting started with it. Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord features a pretty tough campaign right from the start.

Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord Survival Guide

Below we have detailed some survival tips that can help you in the game.

Selecting Difficulty

If you notice in the game’s setting, you will see that the difficulty settings will have a lot of factors that determine the gameplay style and how you want to control it. You can control various factors that can affect your units in combat. You can tweak the amount of damage that your units take while combating enemies, and other settings as well.

If you do not want to do that, you can go for the three settings which are Very Easy, Easy, and Realistic. Realistic is the hardest difficulty in the game, which should be avoided if you are a beginner. Realistic difficulty will take you out with a couple of hits.

Get a Shield

You will find several weapon choices in the game, where you can have weapons that can be used as a single-handed weapon or even the dual handed weapons. However, going in combat with just your weapons leaves you vulnerable, especially when you still are trying to figure out the timing of your swings.

As a beginner, you should find and get yourself a shield that will allow you to block incoming attacks from enemies. This makes combat easier and will allow you to create some space between enemies and yourself without having to worry about taking damage. It is one of the vital items that you should have before you consider yourself a good enough player that can time their weapon swings perfectly.

Check Out New Areas

Bannerlord offers various kingdoms that you can go to, each with having their own difficulty and scenario that they will pose. Any kingdom that does not sit well can be left behind and replaced with the opportunity to relocate to other kingdoms.

As you shift from kingdom to kingdom, you will find the differences between then, whether it is the type of army they have, the weapons and armor they carry and the rulers that control them. Anytime things get tough in a kingdom, or if you get in trouble, you can think of moving out and choosing another kingdom that can suit you or start fresh.

Tournaments Give Gold

Survival in Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord is also about having enough money to buy items like weapons and armor. As a beginner, you can start getting gold by participating in tournaments and winning the challenges that they give you. Whenever you get to a new area or a city, go into the arena and then enter any tournament available.

This, of course, means that you will have to be good in combat, but it also helps you learn combat in return. Tournaments will also allow you to get popular in the area and help you start your own clan.

Keep a Check on your Inventory

Survival in Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord is also about having enough resource items for you and your units. Your army requires food to survive any journey that you plan ahead. Keeping a check on your inventory will allow you to monitor your food intake, and how long your reserves will last.

When you get started, keep an ample amount of food that can run for several days without having to worry about running out. Running out of food reserves will deplete the morale of your soldiers and will affect their loyalty. You can also buy better food items other than just grain to increase the morale of your soldiers.

Only Accept Quests that are Viable

You will be getting all sorts of quests that you can accept and start. However, quests can easily take you out if you are not aware of what you are getting into. This does not mean that you should be discouraged to accept quests even if they seem easy. The most important thing you should do before heading out on a quest is to prepare for it, make out a strategy, look for any points on the map where you can be at a disadvantage, and then prepare for your quest.

As a beginner, you should always weigh out your options with what you have in hand. Heading out blindly for what may seem like an easy quest, can bring out other unavoidable dangers that you might have not been anticipating at all.

The game gives you different quests that not only focused on confronting enemies. You can also accept quests that require you to transport items from one region to the other. These quests are safe and can be an easy way to make some money.

This concludes our Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord Survival Guide. Post your comments below.

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About the Author: Salik Shah

An ardent lover for first-person shooter games, Salik has been part of GamesHedge all through its journey. His love for competitive gaming started with Counter-Strike and Call of Duty, and now can be seen lurking in Valorant and Rainbow Six: Siege.

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