How to Solve the Music Box Puzzle in Resident Evil 8 Village

How to Solve the Music Box Puzzle in Resident Evil 8 Village

This guide will show you how to solve the music box puzzle in Resident Evil 8 Village. This puzzle can be found in House Beneviento and is one of the puzzles you want to solve as you try to escape the house.

The puzzle requires you to first get the Winding Key from the doll in the Doll Workshop before you can use it on the Music Box. You can get this key by removing the left leg of the doll and getting the hidden key inside.

How to Solve the Music Box Puzzle in Resident Evil 8 Village

You will find the Music Box in House Beneviento, where it playing it will produce an improper tune. The task here is to rearrange the music cylinders in the correct order for the music box to play the correct notes and the whole song.

If you take a look at each of the cylinders, they have long scratched lines going along them. This is a big clue for you to rearrange the cylinders by matching up the scratched lines. Rearrange the cylinders until you have each of the scratched lines aligned, and then use the Winding Key to play the music. The puzzle is not that hard to complete, thanks to the scratched lines which match up the patterns by making them pretty obvious.

The music box is hiding an important tool inside its hidden compartment. Completing the puzzle and playing the song will pop out this compartment where you will then get the Tweezers, that you can then use to progress in the story.

Read more guides:

This is how you can solve the music box puzzle in the game. Post your comments below.

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About the Author: Salik Shah

An ardent lover for first-person shooter games, Salik has been part of GamesHedge all through its journey. His love for competitive gaming started with Counter-Strike and Call of Duty, and now can be seen lurking in Valorant and Rainbow Six: Siege.

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