New World Fast Traveling Guide – How to Fast Travel

New World Fast Traveling Guide

The world of Aetrnum in New World is not that small as anyone would expect, and players will be wondering about fast traveling on this massive map. This guide will show you how to fast travel in New World, which comes in very handy if you are just getting started with the game.

New World Fast Traveling Guide

Fast travel does not come free in New World but is an option that lets you move from one point to the other in a matter of seconds. However, much like many other games, you need to have an area explored or at least visited once before you can fast travel to it.

Fast Travel allows you to go to a settlement or by going to an Inn by using the Recall to Inn feature. This can only be done if you have stayed at the inn after visiting it. This feature can also be only used once per hour, so you might want to use it wisely when thinking of moving around.

Another thing you need to fast travel is the in-game currency, Azoth. These can be obtained from completing the game missions and allows you to use them to fast travel. The farther the distance you want to travel, the more Azoth it will cost you. Players looking to cut down on the fast traveling expenses can check out the Factions that give you certain discounts or benefits.

Making a company in your faction will also cut prices of fast traveling along with other benefits. Fast Traveling will also get easier as you play the game and explore it. It may seem slow in the beginning, but it picks up pact pretty fast as you increase your influence and reputation in the faction and the faction territories.

Read more New World guides:

This concludes our New World Fast Traveling Guide. Post your comments below.

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About the Author: Salik Shah

An ardent lover for first-person shooter games, Salik has been part of GamesHedge all through its journey. His love for competitive gaming started with Counter-Strike and Call of Duty, and now can be seen lurking in Valorant and Rainbow Six: Siege.

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