In this Red Dead Redemption 2 Dinosaur Bones Guide, we will guide you on the locations of all dinosaur bones in Red Dead Redemption 2. These dinosaur bones are scattered all over the map and you will be required to find them, mark their locations and send them to the quest giver, Deborah McGuinness. Without sending the locations to her, you will not be able to complete the side mission or make it count towards your 100% completion.
Our Red Dead Redemption 2 Shack Locations Guide details the locations of all the Dinosaur Bones so that you can easily find them. We have to share detailed images of their locations. Also note that some of these Dinosaur Bones are located in New Austin which is the classic Red Dead Redemption area. You cannot easily roam free here unless the main story is completed so you will need to complete the main story before heading there.
Dinosaur Bones – Where to Find Them
Our Red Dead Redemption 2 Dinosaur Bones Guide lists all Dinosaur Bones locations so you can collect them and complete the stranger mission. There are 30 Dinosaur Locations that you will need to find the inspect. Once you get to the location, use Eagle Vision and the bones will be highlighted for you. We have detailed all of them below.
Dinosaur Bone Location # 1
You will find these on the side of the road. Easily visible on the cliff.
Dinosaur Bone Location # 2
These are present right in the middle of road.
Dinosaur Bone Location # 3
This one is actually located inside a cave. We have shown the location on the map below where you can enter the cave and inspect the bone.
Dinosaur Bone Location # 4
This one is located on the wall. Check the exact location below.
Dinosaur Bone Location # 5
Head to the top of the mountain for this one.
Dinosaur Bone Location # 6
This one is on the wall as well.
Dinosaur Bone Location # 7
You will find this one on the edge of the cliff. Easily visible once you reach the location marked on the map below.
Dinosaur Bone Location # 8
You cannot directly get to this cliff. Use the railway tracks at the back to get access to the top one and then drop down from there to the cliff where the bone is sitting.
Dinosaur Bone Location # 9
Easily visible on the hill.
Dinosaur Bone Location # 10
This is sitting near the top of the hill.
Dinosaur Bone Location # 11
For this bone, you will need to get to the top of the mountain. Head to the location as shown in the map below and you will be able to access the top without slipping. Once at the top, turn right to get to the marked location and inspect the bone sitting on the pyramid type rock.
Dinosaur Bone Location # 12
Easily visible on the top of the hill.
Dinosaur Bone Location # 13
Sitting on top of a small hill.
Dinosaur Bone Location # 14
Sitting near the edge of a cliff right next to the road.
Dinosaur Bone Location # 15
This one is sitting between some trees on the ground.
Dinosaur Bone Location # 16
Head to the location marked and drop down to a lower cliff to find the bone.
Dinosaur Bone Location # 17
This one is located near a hut.
Dinosaur Bone Location # 18
This one is sitting between three big rocks.
Dinosaur Bone Location # 19
Sits in the dried up river.
Dinosaur Bone Location # 20
Head down the abandoned oil derrick to find it.
Dinosaur Bone Location # 21
Located at the end of the dried river.
Dinosaur Bone Location # 22
Sitting in plain grass.
Dinosaur Bone Location # 23
You will find it in the desert on a cliff. Climb the mountain from the location marked on the map below.
Dinosaur Bone Location # 24
This bone is again located on top of a mountain. Check the map below where you must begin your approach to get to the bone.
Dinosaur Bone Location # 25
This bone is embedded on a rock in Cholla Springs.
Dinosaur Bone Location # 26
This one is covered in grass so you will need to use Eagle Vision to find it easily.
Dinosaur Bone Location # 27
Located on top of a big cliff. You will need to climb on foot. Check the picture below and climb the cliff from the point where the horse marker is.
Dinosaur Bone Location # 28
Easily reachable if you use the path shown on the map below.
Dinosaur Bone Location # 29
These bones are sitting near the San Luis River.
Dinosaur Bone Location # 30
This is located in the Canyon of Hennigan’s Stead. Use the wooden bridges to get to the upper path where the bone is sitting.
Once you have located all 30 bones, head to any Post Office and mail them all to Deborah. After that you can continue with the stranger mission and receive your rewards.
For more Red Dead Redemption 2 guides, check out our Red Dead Redemption 2 Dreamcatcher Locations Guide, Legendary Animal Locations Guide and Shacks Locations Guide.
This concludes our Red Dead Redemption 2 Dinosaur Bones Guide. If you want to add anything to this guide, feel free to use the comments section below.