State Of Decay 2: Heartland Expansion Features 2 Stories, New Dangers

State Of Decay 2 Heartland

State Of Decay 2 is getting a new expansion starting today called Heartland. If you are subscribed to Xbox Game Pass then you can play it right now. This is the biggest expansion that has been announced for State Of Decay 2 so far and features 2 stories and new dangers for you to experience.

State Of Decay 2: Heartland offers new story experiences. The trailer showcases two different paths that the brand new expansion is bringing to the game. One features a daughter finding his daughter while the other one is a father looking for his son. The ultimate goal of both the stories is the same but their paths will be different and full of horrors.

Heartlands will introduce new terrors to State of Decay 2 which have never been seen before to the game and will also bring with it brand new weapons, items, and other mechanics. It is so far the biggest content expansion for the game and it looks really good. In order to reach their ultimate goal, both the stories will meet new people along the way and forge friendships that will ensure their survival in the world ruled by the dead.

The open world is infested with zombies as has always been the case in State Of Decay 2 and that does not change in the new expansion. You can check out the trailer of the new expansion below:

State of Decay Heartland - E3 2019 - Announce Trailer

If you have been playing State Of Decay 2 for a while now and needed more content then now you have it. The Heartland Expansion for the game is now out for all players who own the game and it is included in Xbox Game Pass subscription.

Let us know what you think and whether or not you are interested in checking out the new expansion Heartlands for State of Decay 2.

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