World War Z Zombies Guide – How to Kill Zombies, Types of Zombies

World War Z Zombies

In this World War Z Zombies Guide, we will detail all the types of zombies there are in the game. Zombies come in various types that you will likely encounter during the progression of the story.

The guide will first highlight the types of zombies, their weaknesses and how you can effectively take them out. While the basic zombies come in swarms, you have to be aware that there are much badder and powerful variants of zombies that you have to deal with differently.

World War Z Zombies Guide

Below we have listed all the zombie types and what they do, and how you can take them out effectively in the game.

Zombie Swarms

The basic type of zombie there are in the game come in a swarm. These are usually one shot zombies but their overwhelming numbers can be a little scary. This is especially if you are conserving ammo or in a tight space.

Swarms usually come from any random direction, where multiple swarms might also be heading your way from all corners. Their goal is pretty obvious, and that is smother any survivors to kill them immediately. These large group of zombies often come during mission checkpoints or when you have to defend a position during a mission.

Taking out swarms is easily done if you prepare well the right sort of Defense Systems. These are weapons and traps that counter the swarms and aid you during your own defensive attack on the zombies.

Hazmat Zombie

Typical to any zombie game over the years, there is always one zombie that spills out a toxic gas or a toxic liquid that burns you and forces you to evade the vicinity of its effect. In World War Z, there is also such a zombie and it comes in a yellow hazmat suit.

The Hazmat zombie is easy to distinguish, which is good as its best to deal with them from a distance. Every time you kill a hazmat zombie, it will spill out a green gas that is highly toxic and corrosive, dealing damage to the players and teammates. The gas is also pretty annoying if you get caught in the middle of it, and it stays in the area for at least 20 seconds.

Screamer Zombie

This zombie is also pretty easy to spot as it is wearing a orange construction jacket with yellow helmet. These are basically zombies that scream when they spot you, thus attracting more swarms of zombies towards your location.

Think of them as a threat alarm to alert more zombies towards you when you are spotted. You do not want to be surrounded with a horde of zombies especially so early in the game. So it’s best to take Screamers down without being seen. Thankfully, these are easily to distinguish with their orange vest and yellow helmet.

Bull Zombie

This zombie is the hardest to take down out of all the other types of zombies, though not so difficult. As you can guess by their name, they charge towards their target like a bull. These zombies are hard to take down as they have only a couple of weaknesses. They come armored in a riot control uniform that makes them a little bulletproof. Or at least several shots before they die.

The Bull zombie has a weak point behind on its back where the vest is torn. Hitting this spot will bring the Bull down much quicker.

Taking down the Bull zombie has to be a team effort. While the Bull charges one target, you or your allies can shoot at it while it is distracted. The easiest way however ris to tase the Bull zombie with electricity which will stun him for a few seconds, allowing you to go for its weak spot.

Creeper Zombie

These zombies are more annoying than dangerous. Creepers are known to lurk around and wait to pounce on survivors when they get too close. Creepers are often hidden in behind narrow spaces or behind doors. Once you get to close, they pounce on you and maul you while you are on the ground.

Sounds horrifying doesn’t it? But they are easy to kill as their location gets predictable and you can shoot them down easily as they have no armor. If you are alert and can spot one, shoot it before it even has the chance to get onto you.

With teammates around, it is much easier to deal with Creepers, as your allies will always be watching your back in case of any danger from these zombies. But its best to take them down as soon as you can, especially if you are surrounded by swarms as well. Things can turn very bad very quickly for you if you have to deal with both kind of threats at the same time.

This concludes our World War Z Zombies Guide. Feel free to comment below.

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About the Author: Salik Shah

An ardent lover for first-person shooter games, Salik has been part of GamesHedge all through its journey. His love for competitive gaming started with Counter-Strike and Call of Duty, and now can be seen lurking in Valorant and Rainbow Six: Siege.

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