It didn’t take long for players of Red Dead Redemption 2 to glitch into the Mexico part of the map, which was a region unexplored in the first game. But now, another player ha managed to glitch beyond the game’s northern border beyond Tempest Rim, to discover unreachable frozen lakes.
The glitch was found by a Reddit user by the name of Huntroploria, and posted on Reddit itself. Take a look at their post below.
Managed to glitch out of the map. There are entire frozen lakes just outside of the borders that normally would never be seen! Currently exploring what else may lie beyond reach… from reddeadredemption
It is worth mentioning that Huntroploria is not the first person to have discovered the glitch and explored the unreachable frozen area. A YouTube video posted back in late November also shows how you can glitch yourself to discover the frozen lakes. Watch the video below.
Source: danwil316
Once you enter the restricted area, and get past the snowy ridge, you get to see the low textured but fully rendered frozen maps, though out of view but look to be specifically placed there by Rockstar.
When the Mexico part of the game was glitched and discovered, it was widely assumed that Rockstar Games was reserving the area for a future DLC. There were even reports of an audio file being datamined that suggested that Rockstar could very well be preparing for the DLC. However, no such confirmation came out from the studio itself.
For now, Rockstar is focusing purely on Red Dead Online as was the case with GTA V when it came out. Their focus right now seems to get the online mode of the game to be of the best experience to players, and to move out of the beta phase that the mode is currently in.
It makes sense that Rockstar would focus on Red Dead Online considering how successful GTA Online has become over the years and still is to this day. Although Red Dead Online will not be the same as GTA Online, its use of microtransactions will ensure that it is a long term moneymaker compared to the single played mode.
Have you tried to enter these snow areas? Let us know what you think of them and if you think they will be a part of an upcoming DLC of the game. Post your comments below.