Crackdown 3 Monorail Station Locations Guide – All Locations

Crackdown 3 Monorail Station Locations Guide

In this Crackdown 3 Monorail Station Locations Guide, we will guide you on the location of all monorail stations in Crackdown 3. Monorail Stations are not something you can actually ride on but they will provide you with safe points with turrets and you can use these locations to eliminate large groups of enemies easily.

There are nine Monorail stations in New Providence. Capturing them also give you insights and knowledge about the boss. You must capture five of these Monorail stations if you want to fight ROXY the AI. If you want to take over the complete monorail system, you can go ahead and capture the remaining 4 as well in the city. We will also detail below how to take over a monorail station.

Monorail Station Locations – Crackdown 3

Our Crackdown 3 Monorail Station Locations Guide will detail everything that you need to know about finding and capturing monorail stations in Crackdown 3.

Locations of Monorail Stations

Each region in New Providence has different number of monorail stations. We have detailed each region below.


There are two monorail stations in Westport.

  • Monorail Station # 1 – It is located in the street near the eastern supply point.
  • Monorail Station # 2 – The second one is located in the western side of the region near the bridge.

The Exchange

There is one monorail station in this region. Head to the border of The Exchange and Founder’s Footsteps to find the monorail station.

Khan’s Scar

There are two monorail stations located in Khan’s Scar.

  • Monorail Station # 1 – This is located on the south side of the main facility.
  • Monorail Station # 2 – This is located on the north side of the main facility.

Zangado’s Breath

There is one monorail station in this region. Head to the border of Zangado’s Breath and Sulphur Splits to find it. It is located in the northeast section of the region.

The Refinery

There is one monorail station is this region. Head to the east section of the region and you will find the monorail station at the edge of the region.

Ashwood Marina

This region has one monorail station. To find it, head to the west section of the region and check near New Pantheon.

Last Resort

This region has one monorail station as well. It is located on the border of Last Resort and The Vision.

How to Take Over Monorail Stations

Capturing monorail stations is actually not very difficult. All you need to do is head to a monorail station and kill all units outside the station. Keep killing the enemies until the station master comes out. When it does, kill it as well and you will get the control of that specific monorail station.

Now whenever you return to this monorail when you are in pursuit, it will deploy friendly turrets which will help you kill all enemies following you. These stations are extremely helpful in lockdown situations.

Check out more Crackdown 3 guides below.

This concludes our Crackdown 3 Monorail Station Locations Guide. If you want to add anything to this guide, feel free to use the comments section below.

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About the Author: Umair Khalid

Founder of GamesHedge, Umair enjoys a wide variety of video games ranging from RPGs to racing games. Currently busy with The Crew Motorfest and Kingdom Rush 5: Alliance.

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