New Medic Hero Might Be Coming to Overwatch, New Teaser Video Released

Medic Hero Overwatch

Blizzard has released a new teaser video on Overwatch’s official Twitter account and it might be related to a new Overwatch medic hero. The new hero will be Overwatch’s 30th hero and according to the teaser and some other sources, the new hero might be a medic by the name of Jean-Baptiste Augustine.

It is pretty normal for Blizzard to start teasing out new upcoming characters in Overwatch with short teaser vidoes and in-game reports. Same is the case with Augustine here. There is a new in-game report on Blizzard’s official website in which Captain Cuerva reports an encounter with former Talon operative who went rogue called Jean-Baptiste Augustine.

Cuerva states in the report that accompanied with a team, Cuerva was sent to bring back or kill Augustine for leaving Talon which means that Augustine went rogue and must now suffer the consequences of leaving Talon. Check out the Twitter video below.

The report was apparently found later after the strike team went missing and it shows that Augustine is not someone who can be taken down easily. In the report, it reads

At 0200 hours, Pacanowsky left the hotel to purchase supplies and failed to return. Mazzei and Doubleday were dispatched to locate him, and an hour later, there was a knock at my door. The hotel staff delivered a box with my name on it. Inside was a folded letter and Pacanowsky, Mazzei, and Doubleday’s emblems, which looked like they had been torn from their jackets.

Come find me, Cuerva.

This is enough to tell us that never mess with a rogue Talon. At this point no further information is available about the new character or when it is going to come to the game. Blizzard will release more information in the near future and we might actually get to see the new hero in action as well in the next announcement.

You can check out the complete report on Blizzard’s Official website.

Let us know what do you think about the new character coming to Overwatch. Feel free to use the comments section below.

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About the Author: Umair Khalid

Founder of GamesHedge, Umair enjoys a wide variety of video games ranging from RPGs to racing games. Currently busy with The Crew Motorfest and Kingdom Rush 5: Alliance.

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