A Wall Street Journal report has revealed that Nintendo might be planning to release two brand new Nintendo Switch variants this year. The time frame mentioned in the report states that both new variants might be released as early as summer 2019.
The new versions will come equipped with different new features. One of the variants will be focused on more casual gamers while the other variant will be targeted at more hardcore gamers. The version targeted at hardcore gamers will be an enhanced version and it will come with more features however it will not be as powerful as PS4 Pro or Xbox One X.
The Wall Street Journal report states this claim by citing ‘parts suppliers and software developers for Nintendo who have early access to a prototype of the machine.’ The other low-spec’d variant will be targeted at a more casual gaming audience and it might be a successor to Nintendo’s previous handheld console 3DS.
This is not the first time we are getting such reports. Earlier in 2018, we got to know that Nintendo plans to introduce a new version for its flagship console and the biggest change in the new version will be a much better screen. Apart from a better screen, the next Switch will also come with more additional features.
The current variant of Nintendo Switch comes with a 720p screen which is much lower in quality than most flagship mobile phones of this generation. We also got reports about a Nintendo Switch ‘portable version’ which will be much smaller and more portable than the current Nintendo Switch variant.
Another source commenting on the report stated:
You would be wrong to think the enhanced version is similar to what Sony did with PS4 Pro and the other is just a cheap alternative that looks very similar to some past hand-held machines, say, Sony’s PlayStation Vita.
The same source also mentions that the new variants of Nintendo Switch will have a different design than the current one and people will be surprised to see the new ones. You can check out The Wall Street Journal’s complete article for more information on their report.