In this Fire Emblem: Three Houses Crests Guide, we will show you all the Crests in the game and who the Bearers are of each Crest. We will also detail the abilities that come with these Crests, and also mention the Crests without Bearers.
Crests grant you special powers in the game and can be equipped to each of your character in the house that can bear them. Crests give unique bonuses to the bearer. You can keep track of the Crest in your Journal. You can also purchase each of the Crests here.
Fire Emblem: Three Houses Crests Guide
Below we have detailed all the Crests in the game and their abilities along with there bearers.
Officer’s Academy
All the Crests of the bearers in the Officer’s Academy are listed below:
Crest of Charon
Catherine is the bearer of this Elite Crest. It can raise Might when using combat arts.
Crest of Flames
Byleth is the bearer of this Divine Crest. This crest is of the goddess who governs the world. The Crest can restore your HP equal to 30% of damage dealt. It rarely raises Might and can stop counterattacks.
Crest of Cichol
Seteth is the Bearer of this Saint Crest. It can let combat arts to prevent enemy with their counterattacks. The crest is a symbol of strength to the land.
Crest of Indech
Hanneman is the bearer of this Saint Crest. It allows the weapon to strike twice in the attack.
Crest of Cethleann
Flayn is the bearer of this Saint Crest. It can sometimes raise Might when using recovery magic.
Leicester Alliance
All the Crest bearers of the Leicester Alliance are listed below:
Minor Crest of Riegan
Claude is the bearer of this Elite Crest. It restores HP equal to 30% of damage dealt when you use combat arts.
Minor Crest of Charon
Lysithea is the bearer of this Elite Crest. It raises Might when using combat arts.
An unknown Crest with this symbol. The bearer of this crest is Marianne and it is present on Edelgard’s Axe.
Minor Crest of Gloucester
Lorenz is the bearer of this Elite Crest. It can raise Might during Magic attacks.
Minor Crest of Goneril
Hilda is the bearer of this Elite Crest. It can raise Might when using combat arts.
Holy Kingdom of Faerghus
All the Crest bearers of the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus are listed below:
Minor Crest of Lamine
Mercedes is the bearer of this Crest. It conserves uses of recovery magic.
Minor Crest of Dominic
Annette is the bearer of this Crest. It conserves uses of attack magic.
Minor Crest of Gautier
Sylvain is the bearer of this Crest. It raises Might when using combat arts
Minor Crest of Daphnel
Ingrid is the bearer of this Crest. It raises Might when using combat arts.
Minor Crest of Blaiddyd
Dimitri is the bearer of this Crest. It doubles the Attack and weapon uses for combat arts.
Minor Crest of Fraldarius
Felix is the bearer of this Crest. It raises Might when using a weapon.
Adrestian Empire
All the Crest bearers of the Adrestian Empire are listed below:
Minor Crest of Cichol
Ferdinand is the bearer of this Saint Crest. It allows combat arts to stop enemy counterattacks.
Minor Crest of Indech
Bernadetta is the bearer of this Crest and it allows weapon to strike twice in attack.
Minor Crest of Cethleann
Linhardt is the bearer of this Saint Crest. It raises Might when you use recovery magic.
Crest of Seiros
Edelgard is the bearer of this Divine Crest. It raises Might when using combat arts.
Crests Without Bearers
Below are all the Crests that have no bearers:
Crest of Gautier
This Elite Crest can raise Might when using combat arts.
Crest of Daphnel
This Elite Crest can raise Might when using combat arts.
Crest of Riegan
This Elite Crest can restore HP equal to 30% of damage dealt when using combat arts.
Crest of Gloucester
This Elite Crest can raise Might during magic attacks
Crest of Goneril
This Elite Crest can allow combat to prevent enemy counterattacks.
Crest of Seiros
This Divine Crest can raise Might when using combat arts.
Crest of Blaiddyd
This Elite Crest doubles the Attack and weapon uses for combat arts.
Crest of Fraldarius
This Elite Crest can raise Might when using a weapon.
Crest of Lamine
This Elite Crest can conserve uses of recovery magic
Crest of Dominic
This Elite Crest can conserve uses of Attack magic.
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