THQ Nordic and 4A Games have confirmed that a new Metro Game is already in the works by their development team over at 4A Games. The latest game to come out of in the Metro franchise was Metro Exodus that released this year in February. The success of the series does not surprise us if the developers want to make more Metro games.
THQ Nordic who owns Deep Silver, the publisher of the Metro Games, recently stated at the investor meeting that the next Metro title is already in the works. The comment was not added in the official report but a user on Twitter by the name of DarkDetectiveNL has confirmed the information.
Volition's new Saints Row game is "well into development" and 4A Games is indeed working on the next Metro game, Wingefors said during the investor presentation.
— Nathan (@DarkDetectiveNL) August 14, 2019
The Metro series are based on the famous science fiction novel Metro 2033 and its sequels writing by Dmitry Glukhovsky. It appears that the writer has also confirmed that more titles are in the works, and will be written by the original author himself.
Another Metro title sure sounds good after the recent success of the latest game in the series, Metro Exodus. While a release date was not confirmed, it is safe to say that the game is in the very early stages of development, and will not release at least until 2021 or later. If it does take that long, then it would surely be releasing for the next generation of video game consoles which include the Xbox Scarlett and PlayStation 5.
Metro Exodus was released exclusively on the Epic Game Store, and seems to have done quite well. This makes it certain that the game would yet be an Epic Game Store exclusive.
Metro Exodus publisher Deep Silver and Epic Game Store had made an agreement for the game to be an Epic Game Store exclusive for a year, which is why it is still only available on the Epic store for PC players. The exclusivity ends on February next year which is when the game would be available on Steam.
What do you think of the next Metro game in development? Post your comments below.