This Need for Speed Heat Guide will show you how you can escape the Heat level 5 in the game. Level 5 is the highest level of Heat you can have, and it has the most amount of cops that are chasing after you to stop and bust you.
Your Heat level is determined by how much of outlaw you are. The more laws you break, the higher your Heat Level will increase. Losing cops when you have a lower level of Heat is easy, and all you have to do is to stay low in a safe house or your garage. It is much difficult to lose cops when your Heat level is at the maximum. The cops will be more determined to take you out and will ram your car relentlessly.
How to Escape Heat Level 5
The more you break the law, the higher your Heat level. Escaping cops from high levels of Heat reward you with more Rep. If you want to cash in one more Rep, you will have to increase your Heat level to the maximum. Once you have done that, it might be difficult to lose the cops.
Losing cops at Heat level 5 is much easier than you might think, thanks to the AI. While the cop cars are fierce on the road, they are worse when you step out of the road and into unusual spots. There are many ramps on the map that allow you to jump on top of buildings, cargo containers, train tracks, etc. Jumping and stopping on top of these structures allows you to escape very quickly. This is where things start getting weird and the AI of the cop cars just stops making any sense. The cop cars either just keep driving and fall off the structure, or crash out.
Another location to lose the cops is the pier that is found on the far east side of the map. If you lead a few cop cars all the way to the end of the pier and stop right at the edge, the cop cars will continue driving straight until they fall in the sea. This will be followed by the indication that you are “escaping.” It is quite simple and there are many such locations that the cop cars cannot follow you. Even if you have a police helicopter hovering over you, the copes give up after a few seconds.
Thanks to the YouTube channel CROWNED for providing this tip on losing cops.
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This concludes our Need for Speed Heat Guide. Post your comments below.