This Nioh 2 Beginner’s Guide will show you how to get up to speed with the latest game in the Nioh series. This guide will help you if you are just getting started with Nioh, or if it is the first Nioh game that you are playing.
There are a few essential things that you need to familiarize yourself with rather than just jumping into the story and getting to fight enemies. Bosses and enemies are tough to beat in the game and will require you to strategize your approach. You have other items and tricks at your disposal that you should make use of.
Nioh 2 Beginner’s Guide
Below we have detailed how to get up to speed with Nioh 2.
Try Out All Weapons
As you fight enemies, you will find various different weapons in the game. This is your best chance to experiment with different weapons and to find out what suits your gameplay style. Enemies drop all sorts of weapons that include swords, dual swords, axes and more.
You also have to make sure that you are using weapons that work well with each other. Matching your stats with the weapons you have in hand will work better in combat.
Make Use of What You Have
The game doesn’t give you the best of the weapons at the starting of the game. While the game is more so about swords and other special weapons, you are provided with a bow and arrow which gives you some ranged combat against smaller enemies.
Make use of all the items that the game gives you and use them to level up. The more you level up, the stronger you become. While you may find combat pretty difficult, you will only get better in the long run.
Manage your Stamina
Stamina is a very important feature in the game that you have to manage and control to make every battle effective. Stamina is indicated by the green Ki Gauge at the top left of your screen. With every move you perform and every swing of our blade, you spend a little bit of your stamina. Stamina is also consumed when you block or dodge enemy attacks. When you run out of stamina, you will not be able to do either of the moves and be vulnerable.
Stamina restores over time and is best if you step back from the fight and let your stamina gauge fill up. Another way you can restore your stamina is by using the Ki Pulse, which restores a significant amount of your stamina. When your Ki meter turns white and is filling up, you need to press R1 to restore your stamina.
Plan your Battles
Nioh 2 can be pretty relentless when you get to tougher enemies. It is quite tempting to get into the fight and find tougher bosses to beat, but unless you have better weapons and a stronger character, you cannot bigger bosses.
Using your long-ranged weapons will help you target enemy weak spots. Targeting with your bow and arrow, and shooting at the enemy’s head will deal the most amount of damage. Just make sure you knock their helmets off.
The best way to attack enemies is from behind. When you evade an incoming attack and step behind the enemy, you have the best time to attack with combos until the enemy regains their posture and faces you.
Explore All Areas
The environment and areas of Nioh 2 offer plenty of items that you can use. You will find plenty of boxes, crates and other objects that you can destroy to reveal the items hidden inside. You can also find special items like Kodamas and Elixirs.
Going through all twists and turns to find all items will ensure that you don’t miss any of the special items and chests that you may easily miss otherwise.
You can also pick up weapons and items dropped by enemies and collect them in your inventory. Extra items that you may not need can be sold off at the shrine in return for Elixir and Divine Rice
Divine Rice will allow you to buy items from Kodama. You can do this at the Kodama Bazaar where you can exchange Divine Rice and buy ammo, arrows or even Elixirs. However, you are best storing up with a lot of Elixirs before heading into a boss fight.
If you need more help with the game, make sure to check the guides below as well.
This concludes our Nioh 2 Beginner’s Guide. Post your comments below.