Marvel’s Avengers Black Widow Skills Guide – Skill Effects, How to Perform

Marvel’s Avengers Black Widow Skills Guide

This Marvel’s Avengers Black Widow  Skills Guide will show you all the skills that are special to Black Widow in the game. Black Widow is one of the playable characters in the game who comes with her own set of special skills to unlock and perform.

Each character in Marvel’s Avengers has a different set of skills that follow the same pattern of skill trees. Skills can be unlocked from the Skills menu, which then allows you to perform special moves in combat.

Marvels Avengers Black Widow Skills Guide

Below we have detailed all the skills that are special to Black Widow.



Martial Art Press Square to lash out with various hand-to-hand attacks. Rapidly press square five times to combo a series of light attacks that inflict increasing damage.
Pounce Press square while in midair to execute a diving kick attack. Rapidly press square three times while airborne to combo a series of rapid kicks
Spider Sweet Hold square to execute a dexterous sweeping kick that knocks down enemies, making them vulnerable to more attacks
Cyclone Kick Press square quickly after dodging to execute a whirling kick.
Splinter Kick Press square while sprinting to perform a swift kick that spins enemies, leaving them vulnerable to follow up attacks.
Night Stick Press triangle to perform a heavy attack. Rapidly press triangle three times to execute a combo of heavy attacks that inflict increasingly more stun damage.
Spinning Fury Press triangle in midair to perform a spinning baton attack that knocks enemies to the ground.
Back Alley Gambit Press Triangle after dodging to perform a baton slam with long-range reach.
Impact Grenade Hold triangle while on the ground to toss an instantly-detonating concussion grenade that can launch nearby enemies into the air.
Night Watch While in midair, hold Triangle to perform a heavy baton slam.
Baton Strike Rapidly press square four times and triangle once to chain the light attack combo into a heavy combo finisher that slams into the ground and sends target flying.
Madripoor Special Press triangle while sprinting to perform a powerful kick that sends enemies reeling.
Pistol Shot Hold L2 to aim and then press R2 to fire dual pistols. Press square while aiming to reload.
Full-Auto Shot Extended magazine and a full auto trigger system allow for pistols to be fire at extremely high rate. Hold L2 to aim in, then hold R2 to fire a continuous stream of bullets that decrease in accuracy the longer R2 is held.
Bullet Storm Hold L2 + R2 to charge up a Ranged Power Attack. Release R2 once charged to fire a high damage burst of bullets.
High-Caliber Shot Dual Pistols are swapped out for a single, high-caliber pistol that has considerable stopping power. Hold to L2 to aim, then press R2 to fire.
Rain Maker Increases magazine size for full-auto shot pistols by 20 rounds.
Ammo Overload Increases ammo capacity of the pistol magazine by 4 rounds.
Perforator When using high-caliber shot, hold R2 to charge up an ionized projectile that pierces through targets, allowing for multiple enemies to be hit with a single shot.
Stun Rounds Increases Stun damage dealt by Full-Auto Shot rounds by 15%.
Extended Clip Increases the maximum ammo capacity of the high-caliber shot pistol by 2 shots.
Polygonal Rifling Increases critical attack damage dealt by a high-caliber shot by 10%.
Widow’s Line Press X while in midair to fire a grappling hook towards nearby ledges or poles. Pole connections trigger a swing while connecting to ledges will cause Widow to quickly zip towards them.
Widow’s Line Counter Press R2 to fire the Widow’s Line and quickly zip towards targets. Automatically executes an explosive strike that hits nearby combatants at the end of the attack.
Dodge Press Circle to Dodge an incoming attack. Dodging just before an incoming attack lands will execute a Perfect Dodge.
Power Line Hold X while using Widow’s Line to launch off of ledges and poles with increased force, quickly traveling greater distances.
Widow’s Sting Press R2 just before an incoming attack lands to fire Widow’s Line and successfully Parry the incoming attack, avoiding damage and sending out a forceful explosion that hits enemies in a large radius.
Operative’s Feint Hold Circle when near an enemy to Vault over the target, leaving them momentarily unable to attack.
Whiplash After pressing R2 to Parry an incoming attack with Widows Line, quickly press Triangle to execute an acrobatic chokehold maneuver that devastates all nearby enemies.

Read more Marvel’s Avengers guides:

This concludes our Marvel’s Avengers Black Widow Skills Guide. Post your comments below.

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About the Author: Salik Shah

An ardent lover for first-person shooter games, Salik has been part of GamesHedge all through its journey. His love for competitive gaming started with Counter-Strike and Call of Duty, and now can be seen lurking in Valorant and Rainbow Six: Siege.

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