Publisher Playstack has announced that Mortal Shell will be getting a physical release for all platforms after two months of its digital release. This announcement comes after the community was asking for the physical edition of the game for a long time. This was an eleventh-hour decision by the publisher and the two-month additional time will be utilized for preparing and shipping out the physical copies to retailers.
The physical edition of Mortal Shell will include an exclusive fold-out poster and softback artbook featuring never before seen concept images and character art. It will cost $29.99 for all platforms. It will be available at all major retailers worldwide however the PC version will not ship with a disc. It will feature digital code for Epic Games Store instead. Store pages are now live at participating retailers and you can pre-order your physical copies right now.
Harvey Elliott, CEO Playstack commented:
The response to Mortal Shell has been energizing and unrelenting,” said Harvey Elliott, CEO of the game’s publisher, Playstack. “Ever since we revealed the project, fans have been continually telling us across Discord, email and social media that they desperately want a physical edition. We are delighted to be answering the community’s call, and we are working on some exclusive extras that will make the boxed version even more special.
As manufacturing and distributing a physical edition adds to the production schedule, the physical version will release on Friday October 2 across Europe and North America, which is nearly two months after the digital release. We are confident the wait for this collector’s item will be worth it.
The digital release of Mortal Shell is mere days away and will release on PS4, Xbox One, and PC via Epic Games Store and later in 2021 on Steam as well. The physical version of Mortal Shell will release on October 2, 2020, for all platforms. Our review of Mortal Shell is currently underway so make sure that you check back on August 17, 2020, to see our impressions of Mortal Shell.
Would you be buying Mortal Shell digitally or will you wait for the physical release to arrive later in October? Let us know in the comments section below.