Spelunky 2 Sacrificial Altar Guide – How to Use Kali Sacrificial Shrine

Spelunky 2 Sacrificial Altar Guide

This Spelunky 2 Sacrificial Altar Guide will show you how to sue the Sacrificial Altar to get powerful items and points in the game. The Sacrificial Altar is one of the returning features in the game that allows you to sacrifice enemies or NPCs/pets to gain to please the Kali god.

The Sacrificial Altar can be identified by the large dark Kali god statue on the wall. Kali can be seen with her many hands all around her body, with a bloody table at the base of the statue.

Spelunky 2 Sacrificial Altar Guide

Below we have detailed how to use the Sacrificial Altar in the game and how to sacrifice to get powerful items.

How to Use Sacrificial Shrine

Sacrificial Altar allows you to sacrifice dead or alive pets enemies and get points in return for the Favor of Kali. You can carry dead enemies at the table to sacrifice and get points in return. This works for your pets as well, whether they are knocked out or alive.

As you progress in the game, you will find more altars allowing you to sacrifice and get powerful items in return. The process of sacrificing involves you to carry a pet or a dead enemy to the sacrificial table and offer it to Kali. You will then get a message from Kali which will indicate if the sacrifice has pleased the god.

Sacrifices give out the most rewards if the subject is alive or knocked out rather than dead. However, you can still offer sacrifices regardless of the condition of the subject to get points.

For more help with the game, check out the guides linked below.

This concludes Spelunky 2 Sacrificial Altar Guide. Post your comments below.

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About the Author: Salik Shah

An ardent lover for first-person shooter games, Salik has been part of GamesHedge all through its journey. His love for competitive gaming started with Counter-Strike and Call of Duty, and now can be seen lurking in Valorant and Rainbow Six: Siege.

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