This NHL 21 Guide will show you how to pull a goalie in a match, which allows you to bring the goalie forward as a last attempt for an advantage. This risky maneuver is not a new concept and the game has the option of letting you do so.
Pulling a goalie is a risky move as it basically brings your goalie in the front, leaving the net open and unguarded. The move is risky because the opponent can turn the tables by getting possession of the puck and shooting at the net for a long goal.
NHL 21 Guide
Let’s see how you can pull the goalie in the NHL 21.
How to Pull Goalie
The game allows you to pull the goalie by pressing a series of buttons on your controller. Whether you are playing on a PlayStation 4 or an Xbox One, you have to just press two buttons to allow the goalie to leave the net and move forward towards the opposition.
Pulling a goalie works as your last attempt in the dying stages of the match. It is not different than in soccer when the goalkeeper joins the opposition’s half for a freekick or a corner pick, leaving the net unguarded and vulnerable. This can work to your advantage by having an extra player in the middle of the court or near the opposition, keeping the defenders of the opposition an extra man to look out for.
Nonetheless, to pull the goalie quickly you have to press the L1 and Touchpad on the PlayStation 4, while the Select and LB button on the Xbox One controller. This will allow you to pull the goalie and leave the net unguarded. The shortcuts also offer a quick way to pull the goalie instead of pausing the game and choose the option. The shortcuts work best when you are playing online against other players where pausing is not an option.
This concludes our NHL 21 Guide. Post your comments below.