In this Far Cry 6 Wingsuit Guide, we will guide you on how you can unlock and use the iconic wingsuit in Far Cry 6. The Wingsuit has been part of the game for quite some time now and it has made a comeback in Far Cry 6 as well. However, before you can unlock it and use it, you have to first unlock it. This guide will help you on how you can unlock and use the wingsuit.
Wingsuit Guide – Far Cry 6
Our Far Cry 6 Wingsuit Guide details everything that you need to know about unlocking and using the wingsuit in Far Cry 6.
How to Unlock the Wingsuit in Far Cry 6
If you are always looking for quick ways to travel around in Far Cry 6, the wingsuit can help you in nearly all situations. To unlock the wingsuit, you must progress the main story of the island until you reach the main island and have access to a Guerilla Hideout. Once you unlock your very first Guerilla Hideout, you can go to the Foreman of the hideout who is marked with the Hammer icon.
Go to the Foreman and then you can purchase different upgrades for your hideout. If you purchase the Hideout Network upgrade, you will unlock the wingsuit immediately for use and also get access to Air Drops on all of the Fast Travel Locations giving you a chance of using your shiny new wingsuit when you fast travel to any location on the map. Once the wingsuit is unlocked, you can use it anywhere.
For more help with the game, check out the guides linked below:
- Gunpowder Guide
- How to Add Vehicles Quickly
- How to Complete Triada Blessings Quest
- Mythical Animals Locations Guide
- Fishing Guide
This concludes our guide. If you want to add anything to our guide, feel free to use the comments section below.