Lorenzo’s Children in Far Cry 6 are one of the objectives in The Seeds of Love quest of the game. This guide will show you where you can find all Lorenzo’s Children in the game, helping you complete the main story quest.
How to Find All Lorenzo’s Children in Far Cry 6
Location #1 – Filipe
West in Sierra Perdida from where you first got the quest after talking to Lorenzo, you need to go south from Lapida Mgote where you will find the first search zone. This area will be a little spooky with the mist, where if you follow the misty path, you will find Filipe in ghost makeup.
Location #2 – Tiago
The second son is northeast of Verde Lake in a small town. The child will be inside the building to the left of Paladar Fajardo Restaurante. You need to climb on the roof opposite the building holding Tiago captive and shoot at the lock through the open window. You will be able to hear Tiago pleading for help. Untie him and talk to him to rescue Tiago.
Location #3 – Riel
The next location is immediately south of Savanna Fields in Sierra Perdida, east of Basilica De La Virgen. You need to enter the shop with a green table where you can interact with a potted flower. After smelling the flower, follow Riel’s apparitions and it will lead you straight to Riel.
Location #4 – Juan
In the northwest corner of Savannah Fields, you will find Juan locked inside a building. The key to the locked door will be on the table in the open hut, placed under the straw hat.
Location #5 – Camilo
Straight north from Savannah Fields, just below Cauto de Paso Lagoon, you need to go to Barriga Town. You can find the open hut near the docks by looking at the picture clue you have on your phone. There will be enemies holding Camilo captive inside the building, so you have to take out the enemies first, and then rescue Camilo instead.
Location #6 – Maricela
You need to go to Conuco, northeast from Isabel Steppes to the houses near the river. This small area will have the mannequins in different poses outside. You will find a dog here that you need to first interact with and then it will lead you straight to Maricela.
Location #7 – Xiomara
East in Conuco, you will find the last child in Concepcion, in the northwest part of the town. You will find an NPC spraying a blue heart on top of the wall of a building. Climb up the ladder and talk to Xiomara, the last of Lorenzo’s Children.
For more help with the game, check out the guides linked below:
- How to Add Vehicles Quickly
- How to Complete Triada Blessings Quest
- Mythical Animals Locations Guide
- Amigos Guide
- Fishing Guide
That’s how you can find all Lorenzo’s Children in Far Cry 6. Post your comments below.