Halo Infinite Boss Battles Guide – All Bosses, How to Defeat

Halo Infinite features an amazing campaign and at certain points in these campaigns, you will come across various bosses. These bosses are much tougher than your normal, routine enemies so in these fights, you will need to derive a strategy in order to take them down. We have curated this Halo Infinite Boss Battles Guide in which we have listed all of the bosses that you will fight in the game and detailed some tips and tricks that will help you easily take all of them down.

Boss Battles Guide – Halo Infinite

Below you will find details on how you can defeat all of the bosses in Halo Infinite.

Chak ‘Lok

Chak ‘Lok is the first boss that you will come across in Halo Infinite. This is not a very hard boss but considering the fact that he loves to melee, and he is invisible at the same time makes him a deadly one, nonetheless. He is also equipped with a Plasma Sword so he becomes deadly up close and can easily kill you with a few hits. First off, maintaining distance is key so you must always have a good distance from the boss.

To keep your distance, you should be able to see the boss at all times as well and since Chak ‘Lok is using his camo to hide, you will need to remove his advantage as well. Simply throw a threat sensor in the middle of the room and it will always highlight where the boss is located. This will give you an edge. Now just keep picking up shock canisters and throw them at the boss to stun him and then shoot with your weapons to deal damage to him. Make sure you are always moving and keep repeating this process to defeat the boss quickly.


You will encounter Bassus when you reach the big laser drill in the Banished Dig Site. Bassus is a tough boss since it is equipped with a big Gravity Hammer and his body is enclosed in thick armor as well. The arena is not that big, so you have to be very careful while moving around to make sure that you do not run into the boss. Since Bassus has to attack with his hammer, he will be always to get up close and personal with you.

Lucky for you, the arena is full of weapons so make sure that you use the most powerful weapons found around you. Bassus’s shield and health is not too high so you will take him down fairly quickly, but you have to survive his massive smash hammer attack as well which can easily kill you making it a tough fight. You can stun him with grenades as well in order to gain a small hit window. Make sure you are always on the move and keep at it and the boss will go down eventually.

Adjutant Resolution

You come across Adjutant Resolution at the top of the Spire and this boss fight is fairly easy. Your best friend here is the hard light weapons, and you have plenty of them in the arena so make sure that you are always using them to your advantage. To deal damage to the boss, you must first destroy one of its metal appendages. Once it goes down, you can deal damage to the boss itself. While doing so, the boss will keep attacking you however you must look out for the beam attack which deals massive damage. You can hide behind pillars to avoid this attack.

Tovarus and Hyperius

During the mission Pelican Down, you will come across a boss duo Tovarus and Hyperius. You have a big arena this time around, but you also have to watch out for two bosses. The arena is filled with weapons and explosive barrels that you can use to your advantage during the battle. Both of the bosses come at the same time but one of them focuses on melee combat but the other one sticks to ranged combat.

There are plenty of shipwrecks around here and other enemies as well that will get involved in the fight if you move around too much but there is a Warthog with the gunner turret that you can use to your advantage during the boss fight. The key to this fight is that you must isolate the two bosses and fight one at a time. Since Tovarus is with the minigun, you can lure Hyperius away first by aggroing him and keeping in a ship’s cover to quickly take him down.

Once Hyperius is down, you can focus on Tovarus by using the Warthog’s gunner turret to trickle down his health. Make sure that you are always in the cover and use the gunner turret for short bursts as well because Tovarus will mow you down quickly. As long as you remain out of the enemy fire, both the bosses and the random enemies, you will be good to go for this boss battle. Just make sure that you are taking on the boss at a time and not both to make things easier.

Adjutant Resolution Second Encounter

You will meet this boss once again later in the story and the boss fight remains pretty much the same throughout this time. The only difference here is that now apart from the boss, you have to deal with its Sentinels as well. Keep killing the Sentinels that focus and then focus on breaking the mechanical appendages of the boss and then focus on the boss itself. Keep repeating this and you will have taken down the boss in no time. Make sure that you use the cover to avoid fire as well.

Jega ‘Rdomnai

Inside the House of Reckoning, you will face the boss called Jega ‘Rdomnai. Jega ‘Rdomnai uses his cloaking and his red Plasma Sword, so he is a deadly foe if he manages to get close to you. Similar to the fight with Chak ‘Lok, you need to make sure that the boss is visible to you at all times. You can do so by simply throwing a threat sensor in the middle of the room.

A corner with the crates in the room also acts as a great place to fight the boss since you can use the crates to always have some distance between you and the boss. Use stun weapons if you have any to stun the boss for a small attack window and make sure that your threat sensor is always active. Keep shooting the boss and eventually, you will take it down.


You will face Escharum in the House of Reckoning as well and this is probably the slowest boss battle of the entire game as well since the boss takes quite a lot of damage. The arena is full of different weapons so you will never run out of ammo or weapons. Keep shooting the boss and make sure that you are on the run as well to avoid damage. Keep at it and pretty soon, the boss will activate a shield around itself.

To deactivate the shield, you will need to shoot the core at the wall which is easiest to hit if you have a sniper with you. Shooting the core will deactivate the shield and you will be able to damage the boss. Keep doing this and you will eventually deal enough damage for the boss to reach the next stage of the boss battle. During the second stage of the boss battle, the boss will ditch his ranged weapon and will switch to his Gravity Hammer. You must grapple around during this phase to keep ahead of the boss and deal damage to the boss at the same time. Keep at it and the boss will go down eventually.


Harbinger is the final boss of the game and you will spend a decent time fighting it. Harbinger always has a shield around itself that only deactivates after you kill a wave of enemies. During these waves, enemies keep coming, and once you’ve killed all of the enemies. Once the shield is down, get up close and unload everything on the Harbinger. This will continue for three waves of enemies with the final wave being the toughest of all and you will finally beat the boss.

That is all for our Halo Infinite Boss Battles Guide. For more help with the game, check out our guides linked below:

This concludes our Halo Infinite Boss Battles Guide. If you want to add anything to this guide, feel free to use the comments section below.

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About the Author: Umair Khalid

Founder of GamesHedge, Umair enjoys a wide variety of video games ranging from RPGs to racing games. Currently busy with The Crew Motorfest and Kingdom Rush 5: Alliance.

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