Ace Combat 7 Beginner’s Guide – Controls, Dog Fighting Tips, Clouds

Ace Combat 7 Beginner's Guide

In this Ace Combat 7 Beginner’s Guide, we will guide you on how you can start your journey in Ace Combat 7 easily. Since Ace Combat 7 is a flying combat game, not every player will have the best grips on how to control their airplane or down enemies easily in dog fights. This is where our Ace Combat 7 Beginner’s Guide comes in.

Our Ace Combat 7 Beginner’s Guide will ensure that it tells you everything that you need to know about the game before you start it. We will also share some tips and tricks with you which will certainly help you in playing the game and adapt to different scenarios in this brilliant aerial combat game.

Beginner’s Guide – Ace Combat 7

Our Ace Combat 7 Beginner’s Guide will ensure that you can become an ace pilot in Ace Combat 7 in no time.

Choose Your Handling

Ace Combat 7 offers two different types of handlings in the game. One is simple while the other one is expert. For beginners we recommend that you start your adventure with the standard handling because expert handling is a little harder to master specially if this is your first Ace Combat game.

The only major difference between the two handling modes is how the plane turns while you move your left stick left and right. If using standard, pushing left and right will simply turn the plane to the desired direction.

However, on the expert mode, pushing left stick left and right will not turn to the desired direction but simply roll the plane in the direction and then you will need to use the pitch control up and down to turn your plane.

The standard handling is much easier to use but expert handling gives you more control over the plane. We recommend that you start the game with standard handling and one you have understood the basics of the game, switch to expert to have more control over your aircraft.

Understand Plane Roles

Each jet in Ace Combat 7 is unique and has a different role it was built for. Not all planes excel at dog fights and not all fighters excel at ground combat. Ace Combat 7 has three distinct categories of jets. These are Fighter, Attacker and Multirole. Fighters excel at air-to-air combat and they are your choice of airplanes when it comes to dogfights.

They have exceptionally good speed and they are very agile making them excellent in air dominance. Attackers on the other hand boast increased defense and are the tanks of the air. They are less agile than fighters but can take more beating. They excel at ground combat however expert players can really dish out the pain with them in air combat as well.

If you are confused amount the two classes, then multi-role is the class for you. These jets can tackle both air and ground combat effectively and they can be considered jack-of-all-trades. However, if the mission focuses on only air or ground combat, we suggest that you chooses fighters or attackers. If the mission requires both air and ground combat, then multi-roles are your main jets to go for.

Play Main Story

The main story of Ace Combat 7 is one of the best aspects of the game. Not only will it introduce to the major mechanics of the game but it will also prepare you for the multiplayer. It is not forgiving at all unless you are playing on easy. Complete the main story and you will have a very good grip of how to handle your plane in the game along with unlocking some really cool airplanes.

Unlock More Airplanes

When you start the game, you will have access to only a certain number of jets. You will need to unlock better airplanes by making progress in the game. As you complete different missions in the game, you will earn MRP which is the in-game currency. You can then head to the Aircraft Tree and spend MRP to unlock new airplane parts, new weapons and ultimately new aircrafts.

This will take some time and grinding to unlock all the airplanes in the game but you can easily do that if you are consistent in the game. Keep buying airplane parts to advance in the tree and reach better airplanes to unlock them. All unlocked airplanes can be used both in singleplayer and multiplayer.

Customize Your Airplanes

In the same Aircraft Tree, you will unlock a large number of new aircraft parts and new weapons. You can use them to customize all the jets in the game. Equipping better parts and weapons increases the stats of planes and make them more effective in certain situations. This also gives you the chance of creating the best aircraft from a base model.

These parts are not only there for visual eye candy but they actually affect the performance of the aircraft. Examples include buying Light Blisk body will increase acceleration as it makes the aircraft lighter. New Rudder Actuators will ensure that you have increased way maneuverability in the air. Always customize your jets to make them better.

Use Clouds to Your Advantage

One of the most impressive mechanics introduced in Ace Combat 7 is the effective use of clouds. For the first time ever in the franchise, you can now use clouds as a defense tool and hide from your enemies. You can hide in clouds to escape enemy fire and evade them easily.

However, you still need to be careful while using clouds. If you stay in clouds for too long, your visibility will be affected as water droplets will appear on your screen. Also if you fly in a thunderstorm, your instrument panel will go haywire and will not be able to use all your systems effectively.

Practice High-G Turns

High-G turns are special maneuvers which will help you in tight situations. They will allow you to perform extremely tight turns. Although simple to perform, you must practice them so make them more effective otherwise you will simply stall your engine and fall down like a turkey in the sky.

You can perform High-G turns by simply pressing both triggers and then turning in the desired direction. This move is very helpful in dogfights and we recommend that you practice them a lot to ace them if you love dogfighting.

Master Dogfighting

Ace Combat 7 is nothing without the dogfights and you will have a lot of dogfights in the game both in singleplayer as well as multiplayer. It is a very important and tricky combat stance in the game that can literally take ages to master or minutes to ace if you know how to do it properly.

The most important thing you need to know before engaging in a dogfight is that you should not lose your bearings. You will be constantly turning round and round however you must always have a sense of direction of where your enemy is going.

Without a proper sense of direction, you will be circling in the same spot blindly eventually coming in your enemy’s sights and getting shot out of the sky. Your map is a great ally in dogfights, it will show your enemy’s location as well as the direction in which they are facing at the moment. Use it.

You can also follow the arrow but that eliminates the fun of the dogfights. We recommend you using your own senses and try to eliminate the enemy on your own without the arrow. Stick to your guns, your missiles will be mostly useless in close encounters. Also make sure that you have the right fighter jet for the job.

Use multi-role jets or fighter jets for dogfights. Unless you are a pro and you know what you are doing, you can bring attackers as well to have an increased challenge. If you want to use missiles, make sure they are locked properly before firing. Wait for the lock on indicator to turn red before firing otherwise you will be wasting your missiles.

High-G turns are your best friend in dogfights. Practice them as much as you can to master them and unleash hell on your opposition. If you manage to get a lock on your enemy, fire away two missiles in a row to get a one hit kill. In the end, practice makes perfect. Play the game as much as you can and you will get better in the game.

This concludes our Ace Combat 7 Beginner’s Guide. If you want to add anything to this guide, feel free to use the comments section below.

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About the Author: Umair Khalid

Founder of GamesHedge, Umair enjoys a wide variety of video games ranging from RPGs to racing games. Currently busy with The Crew Motorfest and Kingdom Rush 5: Alliance.

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