In this Blair Witch Bunker Puzzle Guide, we will show you how you can solve the bunker puzzle where you have to enter the correct combination to unlock the lock. Doing this correctly will give you access to the bunker.
There are many puzzles in the game that require you to find clues. Just like this puzzle, you are required to get the combination to unlock the lock of the bunker. This can be done by finding Lanning’s Sherriff car and then getting in the combination of the lock.
Blair Witch Bunker Puzzle Guide
Below we have detailed how you can solve the bunker puzzle by unlocking the padlock of the door that leads you into the bunker.
How to Solve Bunker Puzzle
During the gameplay, you will find that the bunker will be locked with a padlock. You have to get the combination of this lock correctly in order to get access to the bunker. To do that, head to the location where you will find Lanning’s Sherriff Car. You will notice that this car will be locked, and will require a key to open it.
You have to radio in to find clues here. On the window of the car you will see a note that says to say “the light” on channel 3.
Do this and someone will answer on the radio and tell you to turn on the headlights of the car. To do this, you need to do a couple of things. The first is to locate the key so that you can enter the car. You an order Bullet to fetch them and he will bring it to you.
Enter the car and try to power it on. The car will not start as the battery is not connected to the cables. You have to check under the hood of the car and connect the battery. Just as you connect the battery, the radio of the car will turn on. Switch the channel of the radio, and you will head the presenter talking about a quiz that you can participate in.
The radio presenter will then give you a prize that will be sent on the messages folder of your cellphone. The message is the combination that you have to put on the padlock of the bunker. Go back to the location of the bunker, add in the combination and you will unlock the bunker and gain access inside.
Read more Blair Witch guides:
This concludes our Blair Witch Bunker Puzzle Guide. Post your comments below.