In this Blair Witch Burial Site Puzzle Guide, we will show you how you can solve the burial puzzle that you come across in the game. This puzzle is like the other puzzles in the game, except that you have to get to the specific location where you need to find the stone above the burial site.
This is a pretty simple puzzle and does not require much to do except to locate the point of interest that will help you progress in the game.
Blair Witch Burial Site Puzzle Guide
Below you will find out how to solve the Burial Site puzzle.
How to Solve Burial Site Puzzle
You come across this puzzle when you reach an area with a tent. This place will be filled with creepy signs and noises. As you enter this small campsite, you will notice a red tape sitting on the log.
Watch the red tape in your camcorder and you will see that a man is trying to bury something in the ground, and then places a large flat rock on top of the burial site. You have to find this burial site, and it can be a little tricky to find as it is well hidden in the thick forest.
The first thing you need to do is to move to higher ground from the location of the garbage bags. This area will be filled with black garbage bags and debris. You have to go behind this area and keep climbing up by following the dirt path. There will come a point where more items will start showing up that you can investigate here.
Keep following the dirt path until you reach the burial site. This will be indicated by the same large flat rock you saw in the video. You have to raise the large rock and you can do this by playing the video again, and pausing it at the 0:13 mark so that the large rock is raised.
Now you can have Bullet dig up the burial site and reveal a small item that is labeled “The Tappy East Creek Timber Company.” This will be the end of this puzzle when you have collected this item.
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This concludes our Blair Witch Burial Site Puzzle Guide. Post your comments below.