Activision has released Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Remastered however it is only available on PS4. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Remastered brings the fully restored and remastered campaign of the original title to PS4 and next month on Xbox One. Fans of the title would be disappointed to know that the remaster only includes the singleplayer story campaign of the game and does not include Multiplayer or Special Ops.
In addition, everyone who purchases the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Remastered on PS4 or pre-orders on PC or Xbox One, they will receive a free UDT Classic Ghost Bundle for use immediately in Modern Warfare and Warzone. According to Activision’s official blog post, the main reason to exclude Multiplayer and Special Ops in Modern Warfare 2 Remastered because the Modern Warfare released last year has been receiving quite a lot of classic maps and this trend will continue to grow in the future.
Their official statement states:
Rather than release a separate, multiplayer experience as a standalone pack, Activision and Infinity Ward are looking to bring more classic map experiences to new life within the Modern Warfare universe as it continues to grow and build over time.
It is worth noting here that currently Modern Ware 2 Remastered is available only on PS4 as well as a timed exclusive. Players on Xbox One and PC will need to wait for a month before they can jump in the game. This seems like an awkward move by Activision since most of the developers are currently offering their titles even for free since the world is on lockdown due to the ongoing pandemic.
Still, the game will eventually make it to all platforms next month while PS4 players can jump in the iconic remastered campaign right now.
Are you looking forward to playing the iconic singleplayer campaign once more? Let us know in the comments section below.