Call of Duty Modern Warfare Level Up Guide – How To Rank Up Fast

Call of Duty Modern Warfare Level Up Guide

In this Call of Duty Modern Warfare Level Up Guide, we will detail some tips on how to rank up faster in multiplayer and what things you can do to increase the XP gain. Aside from just playing the game, there are many other ways you can increase XP and rank up way faster than just playing normally.

There are many new ways that you can increase your XP, along with some standard ways to rank up faster. This guide will talk about both the ways on how you can implement it in your gameplay to increase your ranks quickly.

Call of Duty Modern Warfare Level Up Guide

You can find tips that will detail how to rank up faster in the game.

Best Game Mode for XP

There are many modes you can play in to gain XP, however, Ground War is the best way to rank up faster. This is because this game mode has a lot of players in a match. The more players you have, the more enemies you will encounter in the game.

Getting more kills and enemy targets will quickly increase your rank rather than playing with lesser enemies in a match. Playing with a lot of enemies allows you many targets that you can focus on, and get many Medals in the game. You can snipe from far away and get Longshot medals. Or, you can rack up multiple kills by taking out 2-3 enemies in a single magazine. Ground War just has a higher potential in getting more XP.

Daily Challenges

This feature is nothing new and is returning in the game. Having said that, it is still a great way to rack up your XP. You will be getting 3 challenges every day. Once the day ends, they will reset and replace them with new challenges.

Daily Challenges set you up with random tasks that you have to complete in the game. Completing them will add up to XP gain and will help you towards ranking up faster. While XP is best gained by just playing the game and getting at it, completing challenges add up your XP and will level you up faster without you even noticing. Just keep a lookout for new challenges.

Mission Challenges

Another set of challenges you can complete is Mission Challenges. These are totally new in Modern Warfare this time and will not only give you XP but also reward you with Blueprints.

There are several mission challenges that will greatly increase the XP gain and in return will rank you up faster. What’s best is that there will be more Mission Challenges added in the newer seasons that come in the game, so look out for that as well.

Get Medals

There is no denying that playing good and scoring unique medals will increase your XP at the end of the match. Try to switch up weapons and play with different weapons to increase your XP.

When fighting against enemies, look for ways you can get Medals like Longshot, Revenge, Point Blank, etc. All of these medals will increase your overall XP which is exactly what you are looking for in order to rank up.

Don’t Quit Matches

Another little tip that you may want to consider is to not quit on matches even if you are on the losing end. It is undeniably frustrating to be sitting in a match that you know is dead rubber. Staying in the game ensures that you gain that little extra XP that you just might need.

When playing matches, make sure that you stay until completion. Loosing in a match sucks and you might want to jump into another match. But when you are interested in ranking up, it is best to stay and rack up all the XP you can get.

Read more Call of Duty: Modern Warfare guides:

This concludes our Call of Duty Modern Warfare Level Up Guide. Post your comments below.

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About the Author: Salik Shah

An ardent lover for first-person shooter games, Salik has been part of GamesHedge all through its journey. His love for competitive gaming started with Counter-Strike and Call of Duty, and now can be seen lurking in Valorant and Rainbow Six: Siege.

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