Demon’s Souls Parry Build Guide – Best Parry Build
In this Demon’s Souls Parry Build Guide we will guide you on how you can build the best parry build and play as the ultimate troll in the new Demon’s…

Demon’s Souls Parry Guide – How to Parry, Riposte
In this Demon’s Souls Parry Guide we will guide you on how you can master the useful combat mechanic of Parry and Riposte in Demon’s Souls. Parry and Riposte are…

Demon’s Souls Combat Guide – Placement, Weapons, Tips & Tricks
Demon’s Souls Remake might be a launch title for this generation, but anyone who might have played the original PS3 release of this amazing RPG would know that Demon’s Souls…

Demon’s Souls Beginner’s Guide – Choosing Classes, Death, Tips & Tricks
In this Demon’s Souls Beginner’s Guide we will share some starting tips and tricks that will help you begin your journey in the new remake of Demon’s Souls. Demon’s Souls…