New Hero Baptiste is Going Live in Overwatch on all Platforms Next Week
Baptiste is the newest hero coming in Overwatch and Blizzard has announced that the new hero will go live in Overwatch next week across all platforms. Baptiste is a Combat…

Baptiste is a Combat Medic and Newest Hero in Overwatch
Blizzard had been teasing a new hero coming to Overwatch for quite some time and has finally revealed Baptiste as the new hero. Baptiste is a Haitian combat medic and…
Soldier 76 is Gay, New Overwatch Short Story Reveals
Blizzard has released a new Overwatch short story ‘Bastet’. Although it focuses on Ana’s background but it has revealed that Soldier 76 is gay in Overwatch making him yet another…
Blizzard is “Very Open-minded” about Overwatch on Nintendo Switch
After the inclusion of Diablo III: Eternal Collection on the Nintendo Switch, there are many discussions going on if many other Blizzard titles could be coming to the Switch as…
Overwatch Getting a New Spectator Mode Before World Cup
Blizzard has announced that before the next Overwatch League begins, they are launching a spectator mode called World Cup Viewer for its PC client which will allow all players to…
Overwatch New Update Comes with a New Map and Bug Fixes
Blizzard Entertainment has launched a new update for Overwatch. The update brings in a new map and a lot of changes to the heroes. The game now rebalances Ana, Reinhardt,…