In this Daemon X Machina Beginner’s Guide, we will guide you on some of the basic mechanics of Daemon X Machina. Daemon X Machina lets you jump in massive mech suits and kill tons of rogue AI and mechs spread around the world. Before you can begin your journey however you must understand and know some of the basic mechanics of the game which might sound familiar but are performed a little bit different when compared to other games of the similar genre.
We have curated this Daemon X Machina Beginner’s Guide in which we have listed and detailed all such mechanics which are extremely useful while playing the game and you must have a sound knowledge of them. These mechanics include basics such as manually saving the game, changing weapons, reloading weapons, replaying story missions and more. Below you will find detailed instructions on all such mechanics in Daemon X Machina.
Beginner’s Guide – Daemon X Machina
Our Daemon X Machina Beginner’s Guide details everything that you need to know about playing Daemon X Machina for the first time.
Always Choose a Custom Loadout
There are different weapons available for both arms of your Mech back at the hangar. You must choose your weapons before starting on a mission, hence it is vital that you always go to your hangar and switch out the weapons to opt for weapons that better suit to the mission as well as your playstyle. Along with holding weapons in your arms, you can also store some in your Pylons which can be used in the mission if you need to change them on the go or you run out of ammo.
Since some of the missions could be quite long, you will often run out of ammo specially for your main weapon so it is always vital that you pack some extra punch with you all the time. You can use the D-Pad in the hangar to change the weapons in your arms as well as your Pylons. Make sure that you choose weapons that suit your playstyle before heading out to a mission because Daemon X Machina features a pretty decent amount of weapons for you to use in the game.
Always Keep an Eye on Your Bullets
Your weapons will run out of clips while firing pretty soon in combat and you must be aware of these situations. When you run out of bullets in your current clip for a weapon, the Mech will automatically reload them and the reload process takes some time during which you will not be able to fire at your enemies. It is important that you keep an eye out for bullets and when you see that the weapon is running low, get behind some cover during your Mech reloads.
If you are out of a fight and want to ensure that your weapons have full clips before your next encounter, you can also manually reload your weapons. However, you must be completely stopped before you can give the Mech a custom command to reload the weapons. You can do this by pressing and holding down the A key and then the fire button of the desired weapon which will force your Mech to reload that weapon and ensure that is it full of bullets before your next encounter.
Manually Save the Game
You might not notice as you play Daemon X Machina but you can also manually save the game. Normally, after every major event, the game will autosave your progress and you do not have to do anything however if you, like us, want to manually save the game as well, you can do so. For this however, you must be at your main HQ. You cannot manually save while you are out on a mission.
In your HQ, go to the mission terminal and choose the System tab. Here you will find the option to save your game or even load a previously saved file. It is also important to save after vital missions because you might miss something in the missions and instead of playing the game again, you can simply load a previously saved file and play the mission again more effectively and not miss anything.
Replay Story Missions
This might not be apparent as you are playing the game for the first time but you can actually replay all unlock Story Mission once you have completed them. However, to unlock this feature, you must first complete the main story all the way until the credits roll. Once you are back at your HQ after the credits, you can go back to the mission terminal and choose any previously completed main mission or side mission that you would like to play again without starting a whole new game. This, however, differs for the Free mission as they might or might not return later.
This concludes our Daemon X Machina Beginner’s Guide. If you want to add anything this guide, feel free to use the comments section below.