Death Stranding Building Guide – How to Build Bridges, Generators, Roads

Death Stranding Building Guide

This Death Stranding Building Guide will show you how you can start building structures and items in the game. Sam can create many useful structures like bridges, postboxes generators, watchtowers, roads and much more.

In Death Stranding, you will get your hands on the PCC. This item allows you to build the various structures that may help in the game. Let’s take a look at how you can build structures, and what resources you might need to build them.

Death Stranding Building Guide

Below we have detailed how you can start building in Death Stranding.

What Can You Build

Sam can build several items in the game that not only help him traverse better but also give him items of multiple uses. The first major structures you will come across to build are the bridges. These are small structures that can help you cross over a river or a tough path. Bridges make things easier for you and for others as you start building them.

Other items that you can build are Generators that charge up your vehicles and Exoskeletons. Generators are like small towers that can quickly charge up once you stand close to them.

You can also build Timefall Shelters which provide you shelter from the rain and also repairs your crates when you stand under them. Timefall shelters are great to wait out the rain, which only destroys your crates and cargo over time because of exposure.

How to Build

Everything that you need to build requires some material. This mainly includes Resin, Metals, and Chiral Crystal. These are common resource materials that can be found all throughout the map. Just scan an area and you will find enough. You can also claim these materials from distribution centers and main buildings where you go to drop your cargo. You can claim as many resource materials you want.

Once you are ready, make sure you also have a PCC unit that allows you to build structures. Select the PCC, choose the type of item you want to build, and place it where you want. The PCC will then produce the structure of your choice, which you can then interact with and use once it is ready. It usually takes a few seconds for a structure to be built this way.

How to Build a Road

Building roads requires a different method. Roads can be built by linking Nodes that are found on the map.  Roads make it very easy for you to travel around from one point to the other. It also helps you to travel in your vehicle and allows you to build multiple structures at certain points on the road. This return helps you when you need to travel a long distance.

When you come across a node, you can interact with it and then add in materials required to build a road. When you interact with a node, you will get to see what the road will look like, and what materials you are required to put in to construct it.

Read more Death Stranding Guides:

This concludes our Death Stranding Building Guide. Post your comments below.

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About the Author: Salik Shah

An ardent lover for first-person shooter games, Salik has been part of GamesHedge all through its journey. His love for competitive gaming started with Counter-Strike and Call of Duty, and now can be seen lurking in Valorant and Rainbow Six: Siege.

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